is this a tiger trout?

These "is this a tiger?" threads pop up here every year and until this photo I've always been confident at a glance in telling the difference. This is the toughest one yet.

This is the first one that had me scratch my head at all.

the basic identity difference between brook trout (light spots on a dark background)and brown trout (light spots on a dark background) its clear that the background is light and the spots are dark. I reviewed all the tiger trout pics on the site in the photo section and the vermiculations seem to lean in that direction too.

But this has always held true. Brown.
Squaretail wrote:
These "is this a tiger?" threads pop up here every year and until this photo I've always been confident at a glance in telling the difference. This is the toughest one yet.

This is the first one that had me scratch my head at all.

the basic identity difference between brook trout (light spots on a dark background)and brown trout (light spots on a dark background) its clear that the background is light and the spots are dark. I reviewed all the tiger trout pics on the site in the photo section and the vermiculations seem to lean in that direction too.

But this has always held true. Brown.


It took your quote of my post to have me realize I made the distinction with no difference. I fixed it above.

You know after thinking about this and the basic identity difference between brook trout (light spots on a dark background)and brown trout (Dark spots on a light background)...

I can't believe no one pointed it out.
Crazy markings im going with brown
I am told that tigers come from a male brook the dad and a female brown the mom.From what I see it is a tiger.
buckmasters243 wrote:
I am told that tigers come from a male brook the dad and a female brown the mom.From what I see it is a tiger.

Well thanks for clearing up that female's are usually moms and males are usually dads. Lol
I think it's a Tiger.
Why didnt you ask it whether it was a brown or a tiger :lol: