is it just me?

somersetian wrote:
I understand a bait fisher fishing the same hole cause they are used to it, but 3 ft? There is no reason for any 2 people to fish anywhere 3 ft apart. I don't blame you for choice words, unless he was like a hundred years old.

Never fished the Manchester Hole, have you? :)
Railking wrote:
That's when you tie on your biggest streamer and start flinging it about wildly. Tell him you're sorry, it's your first time casting a fly rod. Works every time.

Was up on Kettle last weekend. There were literally hundreds of yards of open water downstream of me. When we first got to the hole, no one was there, despite it being a popular spot. Not long after, 3 spin guys came and fished not 10 yards downstream of me. Now, I was fishing a big bugger, casting clear across the creek, and letting it swing downstream. I thought, "Meh", I just kept doing it. These guys were clearly in my casting/swinging lane. When I'd strip my bugger in, it would go across all three of their lines. They still wouldn't move.

So I went downstream of them 50 feet or so and caught 3 haha!
I can remember about 2 years ago fishing the sulphur hatch on the J. I was fishing a long, slow pool that required careful wading and soft casts. There was tons of fish rising, and I was just starting to get into a rhythm, and then i see a guy trudging through the pool right behind me, throwing huge wakes upstream, and he proceeded to wade right upstream of me(within 10 ft.), and started casting to several fish i was after. There was no fisherman as far as i could see upstream and down. I kept casting for a couple minutes, but he put all the fish down. I ended up just leaving and not saying anything.
It was all good though, i went further upstream and found more risers!
Honestly unless water just looks too fishy to pass up I will hike until out of site of all other fisherman. If someone wants to fish to close to me I will just give them the spot, I am young and can walk.
In my younger days[73 now] I would WTF the rudies-if they wanted to have a go,so be it.None ever did because they could see I was ready to.Intolerable
So I moved away from the crowds and fished nights when reasonable to do so.So I could enjoy the solitude ...
Two weeks ago, I was fishing a small local stream. I saw one car in the parking area. When I arrived at the section of the stream I wanted to fish, I made sure the other angler was not fishing near this stretch. I caught several trout on an emerger. I was startled when a splash landed about 10 feet from me. Two bait guys showed up and cast repeatedly directly over my head. I caught one more an left the area. There were two of them, much younger than me, so I did not say a word. One cast was so close, I could see the corn as it hit the water. I did not see another angler anywhere on the stream.
I had a couple of punk kids throw a big rock in where I had casted. I still caught my fish and I yelled it out to them. They took off running as if I was going to give chase. Ha!