Invasive species Delaware River

There is an additional motivation to return non-natives to the water, that being some anglers are reluctant to kill anything and may not really know how to quickly kill an exceptionally large fish, which can be a messy affair.
There is an additional motivation to return non-natives to the water, that being some anglers are reluctant to kill anything and may not really know how to quickly kill an exceptionally large fish, which can be a messy affair.
Dear Mike,

Without a priest, or club, a Buck 110 knife can make anything food for the invasive rusty crayfish. Just sayin'. 😉


Tim Murphy 🙂

And before anyone goes off, I don't kill anything I don't plan to eat. My garden and lawn can go to Hell and all cats will starve before I kill anything for any of those things.
I find it easiest to use the invasive fish’s own heavy weight against it in that case by slamming its head on a rock like the popular medicine ball exercise. All the weight behind the fishes skull makes it implode more. Or like a flathead if you have a tree get some gloves and swing its head into a tree like a baseball bat. Since the goal is to avoid pain and give the invasive species a quick painless death smashing the skull is the way to go. If your on a boat its even easier because their sitting on aluminum or a hard surface and you can do it with your foot.
