This is all great information and it is fitting in a thread titled "Interesting Brook Trout Information from a Scientist," but does it really matter? It is neat to talk about on a scientific level, but a simple and unified goal I think we can all support is the cessation of stocking over wild brookies. The best arguments to reach the common folk for that goal are the simple facts that 1) stocking over brookies harms and reduces their population, & 2) the brook trout's range is so severely limited compared to historical ranges that we should do our best to preserve what stream miles they have left. I think this is easily understood by most people, but if they choose to jump on board, well, that's another matter altogether. Most people enjoy their outcomes for sport and not what is best for conservation.
On a totally separate issue but with similar complaints would be our deer herd management. In my opinion, Gary Alt's plan was the best thing that ever happened to deer hunting in PA both from trophy buck perspective and also from a conservation perspective. Many people complain about deer hunting today, however, because his plan greatly reduced the deer herd to help conserve the environment. This means less deer for hunters to see, and therefore less chances of success in the field. Shooting a deer is likely harder in most places than it used to be, but the forests and other ecosystems are healthier.
We all know fishing is the same way. The people want fish to catch and be fun, and what rules our world is the $$. We all know that conserving brookies and their habitat should be a priority, but many people either lack this information or simply don't care because they want a satisfying fishing experience. the best way to reach common people is not through obscure genetic testing and information. It is through simple messages like this: The brook trout is native. It is our state fish. It's range has been severely decreased. We should protect it from further degradation and seek to conserve what brook trout habitat we have left.
Okay, I have ranted enough.