Inflatable raft safety / durability questions

Thank you, that was my thought. My raft has 4 chambers. It's good to know I'm not being foolish. I'll have to find a video about the duct tape and lighter, just out of curiosity. I imagine there are other duct tape alternatives like Gorilla patch tape. I'd worry if this could be removed for a permanent patch. The solvents to remove the tape adhesive probably would do a number on the tube material.
It's possible I wasn't as clear as I could've been. I was taught to use the tape and lighter to fix a puncture. As I said, I haven't managed to actually put a hole in one yet. So when a vavle leaks I roll the deflated chamber up as much as possible to keep water out and so it won't drag. Then use webbing and biners to strap the rolled up chamber to the other side.
Honestly, if I did put a hole in one, I'd roll the chamber up, strap it, and keep going. Webbing and a truckers hitch will work too if you can remember how to tie it. I don't.
What do you mean that you can’t take a drift boat through class V water?

That‘s a section of the Madison River below Ennis Lake. FUN!

That's the exact video I was going to post. Crazy mofos there!
That's the exact video I was going to post. Crazy mofos there!
That requires some good skills on the sticks even if you’re in a raft.

I’ve taken my 11’ pontoon through Yankee Jim Canyon on the Yellowstone (Class III, maybe some Class IV) with no problem, but I’m not sure I’d want to have tried it in my low sided Drift Boat.

Walter Wiese, Livingston, MT, guide does Yankee Jim with a high sided drift boat, but even then you’ve got to know the river there to do it safely.

IMG 3427

The fishing in both of those canyons can make it all worthwhile.
The guy in the bow carries his junk in a wheelbarrow 🤣🤣
The guy in the bow carries his junk in a wheelbarrow 🤣🤣
Maybe, but far more likely, a beer cooler. With fans on the bank recording that was a "hold my beer and watch this ...." trip if I ever saw one. Just sayin'.


Tim Murphy :)
Thanks for all the input. I feel more confident that I can buy something and not worry about it. If I get something I will be sure to post it.
Your next concern will be etiquette. Wade fishers will verbally abuse you no matter what you do. My suggestion is to slip behind them and keep on floating. Let them have the water since they are less mobile than a boat. Don't let them ruin your day. Some people are just miserable. I've had a guy fire back casts right in my face as I'm floating behind him to be courteous.
Your next concern will be etiquette. Wade fishers will verbally abuse you no matter what you do. My suggestion is to slip behind them and keep on floating. Let them have the water since they are less mobile than a boat. Don't let them ruin your day. Some people are just miserable. I've had a guy fire back casts right in my face as I'm floating behind him to be courteous.
This is a great point. Some guys are just jealous or confrontational. I don't have anywhere near the experience Kray has, but I found if you communicate with wading anglers knowing they are not very mobile, you can at least get by them with minimal annoyance. Example: as I tried to row behind a wader, I had guys switch banks they were fishing. This is really annoying. Asking them which bank they are fishing should mitigate this problem. If they ignore you and act like jerks, that's on them.
I usually give kayakers/boaters the water and point them to the deepest spot. The faster they get thru, the faster I can get back to fishing. Did have one group stop and get out right where I was fishing a few years ago. Thinking of that still pisses me off.

If you float enough, you will see what I refer to as "the drift boat shuffle". Typically older guys that will almost drown themselves trying to get to a spot before you reach them in the boat. It's something between comical and frightening to watch. Just before you get to pass behind them, they stumble back to where they entered and begin casting wildly. "come on man, I was fishing there!". I'm thinking..... just saw you bolt across the river so I went behind ya.... now you turn back and start fishing?!? They don't understand that I want to be as far from them as possible. I just blow by, wave and ignore the encounter. Sometimes you can meet someone who's actually pleasant. Little convos, exchange flies, give them a beer/water. Those are wonderful interactions... but rare.
If you float enough, you will see what I refer to as "the drift boat shuffle". Typically older guys that will almost drown themselves trying to get to a spot before you reach them in the boat. It's something between comical and frightening to watch. Just before you get to pass behind them, they stumble back to where they entered and begin casting wildly. "come on man, I was fishing there!". I'm thinking..... just saw you bolt across the river so I went behind ya.... now you turn back and start fishing?!? They don't understand that I want to be as far from them as possible. I just blow by, wave and ignore the encounter. Sometimes you can meet someone who's actually pleasant. Little convos, exchange flies, give them a beer/water. Those are wonderful interactions... but rare.
Dear kray,

Man, there are even more JO's on the river than when I moved from upstate NY. I've been flyfishing for 40 plus years. I can honestly say that no drift boat, raft, kayak, canoe or float tube has ever ruined my day. It's a minor inconvenience at best.

I can relay a story from probably 20 years ago. I was fishing Penns down below Cherry Run one May Day. A couple of kids came down in a canoe. They passed me so far away on the opposite side of the of the river that I'll bet they needed new skid plates on the canoe. Not 5 minutes later a guy appeared on the bank. He asked me if kids in a canoe passed me. I said "Yes." He said "Were they respectful?" I said, "They were so respectful you need new skid plates on that canoe." We both laughed. The kids father was chasing them down the river asking people how his kids were doing.

That was awesome!


Tim Murphy :)