New member
hi everyone -- I've found my family getting a bit more nervous (okay, more than a bit) about my being out alone hiking the backwoods with my rod (always my preference). I do not plan on giving this up completely, but I've been trying to search for very safe wading options and/or a good large pond. I live in Elizabethtown and am fine with an hour drive in any direction. I am a catch and release angler solely. I also have a waterfront property that I would be willing to trade a free long weekends/weekdays camping for access rights to your fishable pond. It is 1/2 mile from the shore and fly fishing for puppy drum and rock fish is routine. I am happy to share details on the property if I get any takes (no pun intended) and if we can have a conversation. I am also fine with a pay-for-access private pond. I really appreciate all of you - I hope you have a nice day!