Im Furious!

Oh Gee, Credit that mistake to one's improper use of the English language...If I had said,"if one kills someones wife and kids on the way home because one so proudly breaks the law...I hope they hunt one down. I speed at times too...I just don't think it makes one sound cool if one brags about it." Feel better?

The point basically said it was OK to poach, speed and be a hypocrite just because you do. Imagine what Charlie Manson could rationalize as OK behavior. Now, No, I'm not comparing you to Manson..I'm just making a point by exaggeration. Now quit the "ew, he's picking on me plea" and feel free to discuss. I promise not to persecute you by suggesting you boast.
I haven't fished Pa. in 40 years and frankly I was expecting it to be a joke by now.So I have been very impressed by what I have read on here the past few months.Steelhead,Salmon-special regs. wow.You have a right to be proud.
Its hard to maintain a great fishery in the populated east so keep up the good fight with the bad guys,not each
Ducking for cover.
Well, to be honest if we didn't have it pretty good we'd have nothing to argue about. We'd all have just moved away like all he other people who don't fish.
That is bullchit Tom and no, I don't feel better. Now I realize you are simply an insensitive bastard who thinks an apology is a sign of weakness. Have you ever lost a family member and had a couple others crippled by a drunk driver? There, I said it. And the guy bragged about how he was going to get off. It was a long time ago, but it is still a sore subject. He was lucky I lived 300 miles away at the time. O should I say I was lucky I lived 300 miles away at the time because I'd have gone to jail too. And they wouldn't have had to hunt me down. I would gladly turn myself in. I take responsibility for my actions and at the time I would have gladly paid the price for beating that nugget half to death and then worked on the second half if the opportunity presented itself. I wasn't going to say anything because I am sure there are many people who have lost more than me. The guy died last hear at the same age that my father was when he killed him. I celebrated.

now do you understand? I actually make it a point to drive slow.

As far as the rest of it, That might be your twisted interpretation, but I didn't say that.

1. I said I do not support or condone those actions. OK, it is redundant. Maybe that is the problem.
2. I even said i probably would have said something to them.

How in the hell could you interpret that as me saying it is OK?

so i threw a joke or two in there. Sue me.

I even commented Larry on his idea of taking pictures. Great idea. Pay attention Tom. I can always count on you to twist things around even worse than my wife.

Is it wrong to poach stocked trout. Absolutely. Is it a big deal???? My point actually was: everything is relative. To me that one is not very serious, and not worth a big confrontation. I didn't say it is OK.

Like i said, I'm more concerned with people harvesting wild trout this time of year. It is more serious. But neither should cause to people.
I agree that what they did was wrong and I would have contaced someone somehow. I am not going to addres the two personnal just because there are too many people out there anymore with guns and knives that don't give much thought to harming fellow humans. Now, I am as confused as I can be with this delayed season thing. According to the info available, The Manatawny will be stocked on the 11th. Fishing is allowed and I think, if I understand the regulations, there is a creel limit of three and they have to be at least seven inches long. Does this sound like I'm right? I personnaly practice catch and release as often as possible, but every now and then like to keep two from stocked waters for a nice dinner.

During the Extended Season, you can keep trout (3 combines species) from any Approved Trout Water or its "downstream areas." Any special regulations are exceptions to this rule.

This page identifies special regulation waters by county. If you look at the explanation of each special regulation category, it will say whether harvest is permissible in the extended season. Harvest is prohibitted in DHALOs except between June 15 and Labor Day.

Edit to add:

The "downstream areas" language now appears to be rendered in the regulations as:

"all waters downstream of approved trout waters."

Much clearer. :roll: :roll:
Thank you Jack, I'm on the right track then. I must say that the regulations book is one of the most confusing things I've read in some time. That's saying something since I'm a paramedic for the past thirty years and have read more medical journals and textbooks than most can shake a stick at.