Im Furious!

First of all, they are breaking the law by taking more than the limit in special regs areas. Second, you and I pay for those fish too. Please don't complain the next time the y want to raise your license fee to stock trout. Third, let them fish the ATWs if they want to keep fish...they are open to harvest. I'm all for feeding a family but if I walk into the grocery store and buy a frozen pizza but stick two more in my coat on the way out its wrong.
well nontheless it is illegal to harvest trout on this section of pickering this time of year. This section of stream is DHALO.
Don't confront them-if they are knowingly breaking laws sooner or later you will run into someone who will slice you open.Call 911 and report them.
I don't mind rasing the license and second I don't fish for stocked trout. If we are going to spend so much money to stock these fish then why shouldn't you be able to harvest them. It is a waste of money and resources to just let them die in the stream.
Wow, just wow, sure i didnt see you chucking worms yesterday? You think a week after they put fish in a stream they die? Learn some #OOPS#in g knowledge. 1.) dhalo to give catch and release fisherman some time to fish. and why do you think theres harvest dates? THE FISH WILL SURVIVE THESE DATES WHICH IS WHY YOU CAN HARVEST THEM AFTER.
No sorry don't chuck worms and I only practice catch and release but why release I fish that was planted there just for you to take. That is why stocking is called "creating a put-and-take" fishery.
Well Tom, I'll continue to complain if they try to raise the license fees if it is to stock more trout.

As far as breaking the law, I do that on a daily bases. Hard not to with a 1 hour commute.

I've also poached a few trout in my days, but not recently, and not from special regs waters. Those are for yuppies. :-D

I'm not supporting or condoning what they did, and probably would have said something, but I am much more concerned about the people who think the extended season also applies to wild trout streams. It amazes me how many people think the extended season is universal. Those streams and trout are the real resource, not the rubber trout. Just the other day I had a discussion with a relative. They observed someone taking a large brown trout from a class A. I told him that was illegal and that the extended season doesn't apply to that stream. His response: "I don't know about that" as if he didn't agree. So, I told him once again that I am absolutely positive of this. The extended season only applies to the "approved" trout waters, meaning stocked streams. You can still fish there, but you must release your catch unharmed. You can only harvest trout from opening day until Labor Day. This is the second time I had this discussion with him, and I still think he doesn't believe me. The conversation was over the phone so I couldn't show him the rules.

I'm not naming the stream. Besides, it applies to all of them. Also, that stream is not class A for browns, so he probably did the brook trout a favor. :-o
Well I guess the fisherman that follow the laws can't change the rest of you. But the laws are in place for very specfic reasons which are documented on the PFBC website. So if you do break the law more power to you but don't be surprised if the people who care about their fisheries report you and you end up with a hefty fine. I've seen it happen before and believe me the rangers don't care if you don't know the law.

why not print out the Q&A from the web on the issue and send it to him via snail mail?

the rationale for not allowing harvest on unstocked streams is so they can replenish themselves. that is the management strategy.
And...people who say...I don't know about that ....usually....well, don't know about that. :-D

Your signature is kind of ironic isn't it?
>>If we are going to spend so much money to stock these fish then why shouldn't you be able to harvest them. It is a waste of money and resources to just let them die in the stream.>>

I understand why you believe this is a "waste", but in the larger scheme, I'm not so sure I agree. The fish are stocked to meet the need for a service/opportunity that the angling community has said they want. This in itself justifies the cost in terms of everything the Commission is supposed to be concerned with. After all, they aren't the Second Harvest Food Bank.

But sure, if we were to look at every thing that "could" be done with these fish, it could be called a waste. Just like the 3 mushy bananas I threw out yesterday. I could have made banana bread. But in the same way that the Commission is not in charge of feeding the populace, I'm not in charge of baking around here...:)
FarmerDave wrote:
Well Tom, I'll continue to complain if they try to raise the license fees if it is to stock more trout.

Exactly..and if everyone takes as many as the want and more than the law allows, they'll have to stock even more.

That is why stocking is called "creating a put-and-take" fishery.

Except this is not a put and take this time of year...its delayed in no harvest from labor day to June...those fish keep a lot of people fishing thru the winter. Anyone who pays for a license and expects fish to be there when they go fishing whether they take their limit or catch and release shoul d have a problem with poaching.

And Dave, if you kill someones wife and kids on the way home because you so proudly break the law...I hope they hunt you down. I speed at times too...I just don't think it makes me sound cool if I brag about it.
There is no justification or rationalization for taking more than allowable limit or perhaps in this case-delayed harvest- no limit. Hey, I do not hold stockie streams in the same reguard as do wild but still no excuse. Ignorance is no excuse. If you dont know the rules-ask someone- there is always help. In the case of poorer folk; tell them you know where the food bank is. Don't assume they know they are breaking the rules. Maybe they really dont know and if we don't police our own who is?
"Maybe thier poor and have to sustain thier families with fish."

Not that familiar with Pa. laws and regulations, but are poor people exempt from the PaFishComm. laws/regulations?
I have no issue with harvesting fish, but I have a big problem with poaching. I don't care what the excuse is, poaching is illegal. Doesn't matter if it's a Class A or ATW stream, there is no excuse. I fish a DHALO steam quite a bit and thoroughly enjoy being able to fish year round and have a decent chance of catching fish.

For those that defend the "feed the poor" side of this issue. Try going into a bank, robbing it and then when you get caught, use the "feeding the poor" excuse.

Rules are rules.
Gee,you mean the guy with the $1,000 MOA rifle and $20,000 truck can't claim it was okay to poach 10 deer and a couple elk to feed his family , inlaws and neighbors .Thats not
No one can claim poverty as an excuse to poach.
Ignorance is no excuse for breaking a law, either is financial status.
tomgamber wrote:

And Dave, if you kill someones wife and kids on the way home because you so proudly break the law...I hope they hunt you down. I speed at times too...I just don't think it makes me sound cool if I brag about it.

No, you just think it makes you sound cool to turn this into a personal attack.

If stating the obvious, that most people break a law or two on a daily basis is bragging, then I guess I am guilty.

Now the rest of it, I have this to say that I found it very tasteless and disturbing. It kinda upset me at first, but then I realized that you clearly do not know anything about me. I'd try to explain what i am talking about, but I don't want you to think I am being boastful.

Have a nice day, Tom.
Maurice wrote:

why not print out the Q&A from the web on the issue and send it to him via snail mail?

the rationale for not allowing harvest on unstocked streams is so they can replenish themselves. that is the management strategy.
And...people who say...I don't know about that ....usually....well, don't know about that. :-D

That's good advice Maurice.

This was the second time I told him this, and I still get the impression that he still didn't quite believe it.

Now that I think about, the rule book that comes with the license can be confusing and almost contradictory. We've had long discussions here about it. But if I just show him the Q&A, maybe he will get it.

I'm just glad he personally practices C&R on wild trout.
Easy there gentlemen. Lets try not to side track the topic if we can avoid it.

I do my absolute best to uphold all rules and regulations to the best of my knowledge and ability without prejudice. Being ignorant about something is not an adequate excuse and I find the 'catch fish to feed your poor family' to be a pretty far stretch.

And considering the topic of 'they're only stockies' 'I only fish wild' thats great and I'm jealous but in SW PA there are next to none. I love catching wild/native fish but my ability to do so is limited by their availability. Thus I depend on the fall stockings in designated waters to fish unless I choose to travel 2+ hours to find some wild fish (which I do often). Daylight hours after work are slimming to only a couple and I can't make those trips so I depend on the DHALO waters if any fishing is to be done.

Trying to make things relative to others or attempting to justify reasons for breaking the law doesn't make it right. Lets all do our best to do the right thing and protect out waters.
