I Wonder- Can it Cast a Fly Rod



Jan 28, 2007

Watson's brain put into this thing = scary....

I, for one, welcome our robot overlords....
Will they do the jobs illegal aliens won't?
I can just see Md_Gene sitting at home while the robot is out fishing

I wouldn't need it to cast but if Atlas could just stand behind me and hand me my pack or net now and then, that be great! Heck, maybe carry a cooler and swing a machete! Alright Atlas, clear the way!
Maybe give you some advice on where or how to cast!!
Tell you the next step you'll take is above the wader's
Like a fly Caddy!
I recommend a 4 Wt at this creek, sir.

But truthfully if it can't flip some idiot who just got in your pool off, or throw stones at the person, what good is it.
Since it seems to be able negotiate uneven terrain it could be a "rod bearer".
I see an ACL tear in its future.
All fun and games until that thing comes into the room some night and kills its master.
It would've been more impressive if he took the hockey stick out that guys hand and beat him with it. Just saying it would have shown problem solving skills.
Nah, it's all fun and games till it comes up and says "Come with me if you want to live".
I spend most of my free time trying to get away from technology. Hopefully the day never comes when I run into one of those thing on the water with a guy sitting in San Francisco operating it with an I Pad thinking he is fishing.
I think some people watched "I Robot" a few to many times.
My line was from terminator. But pick your poison. Terminator, I Robot, the Matrix. No shortage of movies out there with the theme of AI becoming dominant over humans.

It's a valid fear. Personally, though, the more immediate nightmare isn't AI which is able to control humans, it's robotic technology which is capable of complex tasks and controlled by humans.

You already have robotics which are used in a military fashion. Though still with a pilot, even if remotely. It's not very far off where there needs to be no pilot. You give it a mission and it goes and does it. And not long after that where such machines aren't only controlled by militaries and such, but we all have them available. Psychologically, most humans must be pushed pretty far to say, commit murder. The psychological bar is set far lower to instruct someone else to do so. And if that someone is really a some thing, it has no psychological barrier. It will do it. And could do it on a mass scale based on the instructions of one crazy human.
Did you keyboard that in, or did your robot?
We used AI when I worked at NASA and DOT. At NASA we had software that allowed mission control specialists to control more sateilites than they could without the assistance of the machine. At DOT we used it to maximize shipping traffic through the Panama (and other) canals. And this was in the early 90's
I don't need this thing to cast a fly rod. I'll do that myself, albeit poorly. Can it rake leaves?