I need a Vise



Apr 3, 2009
So after three years of fly fishing I have decided it is time to start tying my own flys. What vise do you all recommend? I have been looking at the Peak.
Regal Medallion.
Renzitti Travler
Griffin "Montana Mongoose".
I have to agree with gfen........Regal Medallion. As long as you are sure you are going to do it and stick with it , the Regal is a great and IMO the best pick. If you are not really sure you are going to stick with it you might just want to go with something like a Thompson A , AA , or one of their several choices. I think your level of commitment should dictate your purchase. I hope you jump in with both feet and buy the Medallion though. GO GET 'EM and HAVE FUN.
I'll weigh in with the Anvil Atlas Vise.
I really like my Regal Vise. I just back into fly fishing after being away from it for about 15 to 20 years. Really enjoying myself again tying and fishing both
Regal. Buy it from TU for $150 and support a good cause.

I bought my anvil atlas vice from Sandfly on his recommendation. I really like this vise its built like a tank almost indistructable.
Regal with the stainless steel jaws
That's a nice option from TU. I will have to give that one some thought. But is that vise a true rotary vise?
That's a fair price on the Regal, and it goes to a good cause.

No, its not true rotary. You can turn the fly over, but it doesn't spin on its axis. It'll help you see all sides, and tie to the back and bottom easier, but you can spin stuff on.

If you've never used it, rotary may be overrated.
That's a nice option from TU. I will have to give that one some thought. But is that vise a true rotary vise?

"Each Regal Medallion Series Vise rotates 360 degrees and pivots 220 degrees up and down."

I have the $450 Regal Evolution or whatever it is called (thanks Cabelas Bargain Cave!) and it has the same type of offset rotation.
i have the peak, great vise , recommend it
Alpabuck wrote:
Renzitti Travler

Pasta to go? :lol:

I've got a Renzetti, Regal, HMH, and Dynaking. The Traveler is by far my favorite.

You can tie non-rotary with a full rotary vise, if you so choose. The Regal is not "true rotary" - even the Revolution. Yes it's rotary, but the hook axis moves up and down when you spin it. Not so important on bigger flies like streamers, but on small flies it is.

My favorite "non-true rotary" vise is the HMH Pro. Best midge jaws available, and they interchange in seconds. HMH also guarantees their jaws for life.

Once you learn how to use the advantages of true rotary tying, it's tough to go back to non-rotary. It is definitely NOT a gimmick. Yes you can tie without it - many do so just fine, but it's a lot easier to spin the hook than it is to hand over hand wrap many materials. No need to turn the fly over to see the other side - you're looking at the point of application at all times. No uneven wraps or spacing.
Once you learn how to use the advantages of true rotary tying, it's tough to go back to non-rotary. It is definitely NOT a gimmick.

I have to respectfully ask why so, so many production and pro guys and gals do not use true rotary vises? Also curious as to why a power house like Regal would not have true rotary, given their propensity toward engineering, etc?
jdaddy wrote:

I have to respectfully ask why so, so many production and pro guys and gals do not use true rotary vises? Also curious as to why a power house like Regal would not have true rotary, given their propensity toward engineering, etc?

HA said....but it's a lot easier to spin the hook than it is to hand over hand wrap many materials. I said.... Dumbass

A lot of tiers started tying non rotary and they are used to it.
I added a rotary vice only a few months after I started, and got serious about it once I had my new vice and a boat load of materials.

I've never used the feature; some people consider it essential and some do not.

My advise is to see if you can try it out, as you might find it to be less than exciting, or it might be a part of what you want out of the vise. So be it.

But, like Ford and Chevy, there is no winner of this argument.
HA said....but it's a lot easier to spin the hook than it is to hand over hand wrap many materials. I said.... Dumbass

Look Chastity, I didn't ask why true rotary is "better" which is what you have quoted. I asked why most pro's and commercial guys don't use them and why high end manufacturers do not have them in their product line. If you are gonna be a smart *** get it right.
jdaddy wrote:
Once you learn how to use the advantages of true rotary tying, it's tough to go back to non-rotary. It is definitely NOT a gimmick.

I have to respectfully ask why so, so many production and pro guys and gals do not use true rotary vises? Also curious as to why a power house like Regal would not have true rotary, given their propensity toward engineering, etc?

My guess, which is purely speculative, it's a pride thing.Maybe it's a "Regal does what Regal does and if you don't like it then you can **** off" kind of attitude.....