Huge fish kill on Arkansas River 1-1-11 and birds too.



Active member
Apr 1, 2009
On the radio this morning story of a huge fishkill on the Arkansas River , also for hours blackbirds fell from the sky dead or dying. I think it was probably a weather balloon. Swamp Gas?
looks like a single species kill, maybe something similar to the crappy kill that occured on pymatuning lake. I think they figured it was some kind of virus that was activated by the water reaching a certain temp.
A virus would have killed more than one species , the fish in Arkansas were all drum over a mile of river was affected and the birds were all blackbirds a species specific virus i guess is possible but the birds died mid flight. There was a fish kill at Deep Creek last july which DEP blamed on oxygen depletion but it was only crappies that died doesn't make sense that other species weren't affected if it was oxygen. In Arkansas the catfish would have been there too.
at pymatuning, they think it was something similar to a cold virus, I guess the virus is already in the fish, it just takes the right conditions for it to "activate" and kill them. at least that's what I had read. I'm no biologist, so I really have no clue!
Many virus' are species specific, or often just a few certain species, but almost never a large variation of species. But it may take only a small change to affect another species.

As for oxygen, fish all have different dissolved oxygen requirements too. Catfish, for instance, have very low oxygen requirements, and have been known to survive hours out of water only to be released unharmed. Also, dissolved oxygen can be different in different parts of the stream, maybe the bottom is effected but not the top or vice versa.

Either way, whats fishy about this story is the close proximity of the bird kill and fish kill, and the sudden onset of both. Strange.
I would go along with the species specific virus for the fish but the Birds fell out of the sky dead and dying , sounds more like toxic than virus when it comes to the blackbirds or a weather balloon filled with swamp gas.
If its the same area, could be. Not uncommon for toxic gases to be released from deep underground during earthquakes.
Another bird kill, this time in Louisiana.

Sounds like it may be related to meteorological events.
My understanding is after an examination of the dead birds, it was determined that they died of physical trauma. Ice pellets?...probably something like that.
Is it possible that hitting the ground at 30mph would cause physical trauma? To a bird i mean? the comments section of that link it also says there was a similar incident in Baltimore MD. on Friday i wonder whats up? The pics of the ones in LOUISIANA are all red winged blackbirds also.
Now maybe fireworks.

Wonder if anyone thought about gathering a lifetime supply of hackle?
I think we are being warned by Extra-terrestrials. UFO sightings take a spike as well?
didn't see anything about a bird kill in Baltimore. Just the Arkansas and Louisiana incidents. Somethin weird going on. I'll vote meteorological. I certainly have no idea, but the fireworks idea seems off the mark to me, and it seems too sudden to be disease.

Redwing blackbirds are very common, and form huge flocks at this time of year. Thats why its them. A lone bird or two falling dead doesn't raise much suspicion. A whole flock falling dead in a small area looks like armageddon. You could imagine a lightning strike or hail/sleet storm, even a strong updraft, might wipe out a significant portion of a flock rather suddenly.

Other possibilities are aliens, government weapons tests, or an omen from God himself. Yeah, those are more likely I suppose....
once again i refer you to you tube there are stories about both Baltinore and Ketucky incidents on there , how about trying to look before you criticize everyone. Anyone in the Johnstown area check out the 50 or so dead blackbirds at the intersection of the Elton RD. and Theater drive they are squished in the intersection from traffic but they are undoubtably birds. I also noticed several large flocks of blackbirds here today and it's January , they are not supposed to be here now.
I heard the fireworks thing too. That's just silly. Not even a professional high powered fire work show but a hill jack show. If fireworks scared birds into heart attacks my guess is hunting expeditions would be more successful.

They are attributing the fish kill to an unknown virus.
"A genetically engineered organism (Man made virus) cannot exist long in nature , it becomes benign in a very short time." ED DAMES former bio weapons adviser to the white house , retired. Wanna eye opener this mornin , google , the word prion and pay particular attention to the part about Chronic Wasting Disease , the one deer get , do any of you folks think the deer herd is down? Boy are we lucky deer don't fly.
And now this?
If fireworks scared birds into heart attacks my guess is hunting expeditions would be more successful.

Not that I disagree, I think the fireworks explanation seems far fetched too. But they aren't saying it scared them into heart attacks. These birds roost at night in huge flocks and don't navigate too well at night. They're saying the fireworks disrupted a roost and caused them to take flight in a panic, followed by running into buildings, trees, and each other, and its these collisions that caused death.