How's the fishing around Hersey Park?

dub - The ones with limestone influence down in the valley won't be frozen. Manada and the other freestoners along Blue Mountain will likely have the potential to be partially frozen in spots.

The Quittie will be your most reliable bet probably, for what it's worth. No way it will be frozen. Much of this thread discusses Spring Creek in Hershey, which won't be frozen either, but nearly all of it is posted, or running right through backyards where I wouldn't feel comfortable fishing.

I replied in the thread on the WW Forum. Quittie is your best bet given the limited time you have. Even that is stretching it.
Wound up at the Manada for about an hour in this snowstorm. Does it run above that water treatment plant that's fenced off? I only saw one fish at that little plunge pool about 200 yrds down from that bridge and I hooked him on a caddis larva. Shelf ice broke him off at my feet. He was a small bow, looked to be a holdover. I hiked it for a while down and didn't see another fish.
It looks like you were wayyyy down on the Manada, where it enters into the Swatara. The trout water is a good distance from that upstream.
I didn't notice any roads on google maps that would have gotten me above that.