How to Whipfinish by Hand

I have the hardest time doing this. egg
Have only seen people do this quickly, now I finally get it.

Thank you!
Thanks for the tip. I have always just used the tool.
Thanks for sharing.
I struggled to learn how to hand whip finish after I FINALLY figured out that those whip finish tools with the hook on the end don't work for left handers.

I watched a bunch of videos of right handers finishing but couldn't translate their technique to the "real right hand", the left.

Then I realized how to view left handed finishing.

I watched the videos in a mirror!

As long as I do that just about EVERY tier is left handed!!!

Lefties, watch the video in a mirror and you'll master the technique quickly.

After all, it can't be too hard. Right handers do it... :lol:

I need more hand cream. My thread hangs up in the chunks of skin that are on my fingers.