How to prepare dead animal parts to fly tying materials?

great info! I'll have to check that video out this evening.

I've had it once as well bad and one other time I caught early on materials someone gave me. The bad one they didn't mess with materials but did find a pair of sheep mounts I have. the raid and trash bag method worked well. It just takes time and knowledge of the laying hatching cycle. obviously sticking a mount in a freezer is out for the average person lol.

Does the boric acid work on mounts without destroying or making hair brittle? and does it kill the eggs?

Have you ever tried buhac? I heard its no longer made these days. It works well for killing bugs on critters we trap (lynx/fox). Same concept shake on fur, put in a bag in a cool area, avoid excess heat at all costs.

Freezing does work and works well....but there is a timing game to it. The thawing and refreezing is what's going to kill them. Initial freezing will kill the current larva. Thawing and refreezing will kill the next round. You are right though freezing will not kill the eggs on its own..just like the raid will not. It only kills the larval stage. Its a lot less potent than the buhac, that stuff is nasty. I'm sure Raids not the greatest thing to be playing with either. After bug spray jacked me up fishing one year, I try to stay away from too much chemicals, as much as I can.

The freezer is a great place to put hopefully unaffected materials when you do find an infestation.

Word of caution when buying materials off estates, someones personal stuff, or materials people 'donate' to you. I have had a pile of stuff given I had to throw out due to bugs destroying them, or deal with it if was worth keeping.
