How old/young to start a child in FFing?

Just get them fishing. Enjoy the day and the company. None of my kids FF and I couldn't care less. The fact that they enjoy fishing is good enough for me.
Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences. Hopefully it reminded you of some great moments with the children in your life. The resounding thought is to make it fun. When we go to a stream we always catch a few crayfish or look at the "worm inside the stick" before making a cast. And the farm pond we go to always has a few kittens running around to play with. As long as he is associating those fun things with fishing it's a great day of fishing. He struggled with the push button reels but asked to try my open face and picked it up right away. I think he can feel the tension on his finger and recognizes when to let go. I thought that might translate into feeling a fly rod load up and that was the seed of my question. We will continue to have fun with spin tackle until he asks about trying a fly rod, no need to rush things. Have a blessed Christmas.
How many broken rods can you afford?
My boys were like me and started bait fishing at around 5 . They had a small stream nearby and would catch chubs, sunfish etc when they were small. The big step is when they can start tying their own knots. Around 10 as I recall. All my boys flyfished at one time or another. Seems like around 12 yrs old was the youngest that they could really enjoy it and wade and deal with a long rod. Around middle school age they got into it more and were also tying flies. My youngest now 18 has really taken to it in the past year and it is a pleasure to see him wading in heavy water and catching one after another on dries.