How often do you fish?

got ya. I was there at a poor time as far as hatches, but the fishing was still very good everywhere I fished... Henry's Fork, Madison, Warm River, Fall River, and some smaller creeks. I want to get out west in the next year or so for salmonflies or western green drakes.

For what its worth, I think the ranch fishes easier than the upper delaware. I did well there on the same size 18 sulphur comparaduns I tie for the u del.
Once or twice a week, 13 months a year
Been averaging 2 days a week from March to November. Weather permitting after that. Don't enjoy it only when guides freeze. Freezing hands don't matter as much.
Only can get out 2-3 times a week right now with how fast it gets dark spring early fall 4-5 times a week.
Hook_Jaw wrote:
Only can get out 2-3 times a week right now with how fast it gets dark spring early fall 4-5 times a week.

Yeah, this getting dark early thing is for the birds. That's really the only thing that puts a serious hurting on my fishing during the fall. My typical outing is from after work from 430-5ish until dark. But now during the fall if I want to get out and fish I have to take a few hours of PTO, which sucks.

The problem right now with me is it's so low you go after work gear up and a couple guys are where you want to go that's about it for the night.
I would fish every chance i had. Past 3 years i didn't fish at all because of getting into traditional archery...which was dumb of me for not flyfishing but every chance i had i shot my bows. I started back up in June this year but only been out 10 times so far. Wish i had more time but flyfishing, traditional archery, building wood arrows, shooting flintlocks, and work i just don't have enough time to fish like i use to.
In the past I've gone as often as once or twice a week. This year I've been pursuing other interests. That in combination with the hot, dry summer put me around once a month this year on average.
In the fall October and November, I fish almost every evening, and all day on days I have the chance. I have been out 23 of 30 days so far this month and going tonight LOL.

In the summer and spring though only once or twice a week, maybe less in summer.
I live on the North Side of Pittsburgh. Right in the city. For me to fish any decent water it is at a minimum an hours drive. There is one place about 30 minutes from here that used to be good, but too many people fish it now.

So, with only being able to fish on weekends, and having a wife and kid and house I need to take care of, I only make it out about a dozen to 15 times per year.
I probably fish 130 days a year(2.5 x 52 weeks)
I also fish in FL in the Winter and travel a lot out of Area to fish
Since I permanently gave up goose and duck hunting this fall,that guestimate I made above will go up.
AFISHN wrote:
I probably fish 130 days a year(2.5 x 52 weeks)
I also fish in FL in the Winter and travel a lot out of Area to fish
Since I permanently gave up goose and duck hunting this fall,that guestimate I made above will go up.

Good for you Tom! You're my idol! Keep on keeping on...