How is your fly box coming for 2011?

just did a cleaning and i am back to the basic patterns , no more back ache carrying all but the kitchen sink syndrome. no need to carry light cahills in october
I Have been tying and putting flies in stock boxes. I have Chest Fly box and hope to rotate patterns as to the time I am fishing. Tired of carrying the kitchen sink when not necessary
knocked out a box with buggers, slumpbusters, and a sex dungeon this week.


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and here's my steelhead box. I plan on losing about half of these in 3 weeks :)

all kinds of eggs, scuds, sucker spawns, caddis, stones (biots and rubber legs), princes (regular and psycho), CJs, looped san juans, hot head pheasant tails, estaz, etc. these are all pretty quick, dirty ties because I lose so many flies when nymphing there that I try not to spend too much time on them.


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I tye as I go. I have a couple of lanyard boxes I keep full. I enjoy tyeing so I feel if I do it alittile each week it keeps the rust off.
This is my first season that I'm preparing for by tying. I'm lacking a lot of the materials that I'd like in order to tie what I would consider a "full box", but at the same time, I haven't exactly bought into the many flies theory. For example, I have the materials to tie black wooly buggers only, and I have caught multiple fish on my buggers. Why should I bother taking up space, money, and time to tie these in white, olive, and brown as well? How do I know when one of these buggers will perform better than my simple black bugger? I also figure for things like nymphs, I can't really control the amount of money I have to spend on various nymph patterns to match the hatch or whatever. But I can work to control my presentation skills. So I am pretty much only tying simplified versions of Hare's ears (because I have no turkey feathers for a wing case) and caddis larva. We'll see how the season goes...
Pontus wrote:
This is my first season that I'm preparing for by tying. I'm lacking a lot of the materials that I'd like in order to tie what I would consider a "full box", but at the same time, I haven't exactly bought into the many flies theory. For example, I have the materials to tie black wooly buggers only, and I have caught multiple fish on my buggers. Why should I bother taking up space, money, and time to tie these in white, olive, and brown as well? How do I know when one of these buggers will perform better than my simple black bugger? I also figure for things like nymphs, I can't really control the amount of money I have to spend on various nymph patterns to match the hatch or whatever. But I can work to control my presentation skills. So I am pretty much only tying simplified versions of Hare's ears (because I have no turkey feathers for a wing case) and caddis larva. We'll see how the season goes...

I'd bet on the FFer with good presentation / fishing skills vs. a FFer with a box of fancy flies anytime.
I have 3 boxes of flies that I carry,2 of them are filled with dries of all sizes and colors and a box of different nymphs, my third box is filled with the flies some old man told me about when i started fly fishing 33 yrs ago.I was fishing and not catching anything so I asked what he was using,his reply was "I'm fishing a "standard brown nymp thing" if that dont work i use one of those ' royalWolf flies" if that dont work then i go home and drink beer cause i know i can catch those. This old guy was about 90 so i figured he knew his stuff... now I fish a standard brown nymp or a royal wuff and hardly ever use my other flies.
Hopdemon wrote:
his reply was "I'm fishing a "standard brown nymp thing" if that dont work i use one of those ' royalWolf flies" if that dont work then i go home and drink beer cause i know i can catch those.

The wisdom seems even more folksy for the spelling, but it begs the question: What, exactly, is a "standard brown nymph thing?"
I'm pretty sure it was a hares ear,he had a box full of all different sizes.Met him at Clarks Creek back in the late 70's ..he said he was from Pillow and he was the first person I met fly fishing who took time to show me what i was doing wrong.All I had was books to learn from as I didn't know anyone who fly fished so I still really appreciate what he showed me that day..he also told me to throw away the flies I bought at K Mart
Old people are smart, its how they lived that long. Until they're not smart, then they're just a danger to themselves and others.

I don't think I've got the wherewithal to cut my collection down to hare's ears and Wulffs, but its a noble goal none the less to get close to it.
gfen wrote:
Old people are smart, its how they lived that long. Until they're not smart, then they're just a danger to themselves and others.

I don't think I've got the wherewithal to cut my collection down to hare's ears and Wulffs, but its a noble goal none the less to get close to it.

Gotta keep at least a woolly bugger in the mix.

Sometime I'm going to give that idea a try. Just head out with three patterns of flies. Might force one to focus on the fish and presentation rather than the fly.
I still carry 2 boxes filled with drys, nymphs and a few greenie weenies just to be on the safe side, but I do use those 2 flies quite a bit.I think it has somethig to do with confidence and having used them so long presentation.
I carry at least 12 boxes and then some, every time I go. The vest holds like 30+ boxes alone. then I lose a dozen or more a day, plus I have specialized boxes for different species..