How far

It is exactly 1.5 hr to parking lot in rothrock/Barre to fish little j. Another 1/2 hr to spring. It sucks but could be way worse so I don't complain. Laurel Highlands are only 40 min. Yough is 1.15. never fished the yough and don't really hit the highlands much either. Would rather drive the extra 45 to get to Central PA.
Swattie87 wrote:
FarmerDave wrote:
Difficult to fly fish from the bank, but if you don't mind a spinning rod or fishing out of a kayak or canoe ...

If you prefer the more selective fish, (getting skunked) carry on.

When dealt lemons, ... well, I like lemonade.;-)

Sounds to me like you prefer to spincast when dealt lemons! :-o ;-)


I actually did both there. There were some open areas, but a lot of it was just too brushy for fly fishing. Long time ago.

Very aggressive and hit anything shiny, and loved top water.

I wouldn't recommend wet wading while wearing a shiny belt buckle.

JerryC wrote:
I live in Philly. Of course I'm not particularly fussy what I fish for, or where I live.

There, fixed that for you.;-)
I live in NEPA. Drive past 3-4 Class A's on my way to/from work everyday. Living in a good area allows me to fish nearly 100 days a year because it's so easy to just stop and fish for an hour here and there. Very fortunate.
I'm about an hour from Spruce Creek, and an hour fifteen from Spring and Little J. (My favorites)

I live about 10 minutes from a nice Class A stream though.

Wish I lived closer to Altoona/State College area though
I could walk to Saucon Creek if I wanted to, and it's a Class A section, but I've fished it and the LV limestone streams it's boring at times. My favorite streams are all brookie streams, some in the Valley others in the Poconos and NCPA. 45 minutes to one favorite.
Roaring Brook which was a favorite as recently as 2000, is a shadow of it's past, and I can't get an answer as to why. It doesn't even seem to have many browns anymore.
I don't mind the long drive (except the 6+ hours to western Pa) to get to some of my favorite streams, as the road trip is part of the fishing experience for me. I enjoy the anticipation of what is to come for that day, and I enjoy reflecting on trips gone by as I drive down the highway to my destination.
If Im traveling over 2 hours, I try to make it an overnight trip if possible. I love heading north to ANF after work on a Friday, getting up there, sleeping in the bed of my truck, getting up at the *** crack of dawn and chasing gemmies all day. Sure as hell beats getting up at 5am and driving for 2 hours to get to the stream early.
Favorite streams? That depends on my mood.

A Berks County Class A flows through my property, another is down the street and about a dozen more are 10 minutes away.

I can hit any LV stream in 15-30 minutes and Pocono favorites are about an hour away.

Warmwater is the challenge...
I have lots of options within a few miles of home. A catch and release FFO stream within 10 minutes. Driving the 40 minutes to Big Spring or a little farther to Letort is what I'd call a long drive to go fishing.
FarmerDave wrote:
You guys who live close to trout streams really suck!

I live in Ohio. Nuff said. :-x

I was joking. You don't suck. Living in Ohio sucks, if not for living on a farm.;-)

But in a pinch, I can be at a stocked stream in PA in 20 minutes without breaking the speed limit ... much. Streams with wild trout are an hour or more.

Same deal with me. Can be on bluegills in minutes, and half decent largemouth(with some other fish) opportunities in a few more minutes. 40min for good steelhead fishing. 20min for PA stockies, and it's a mighty fine fishery for other stuff as well. I consider it my home water. The 50min-1hr(or more) drive to solid wild places isn't really all that bad, though of course I envy those that live closer. I find myself in PA the vast majority of the time for other species as well.

Average one-way day trip is 40min-1hr 15min. Made a few 3-4hr ones last year, but that's a lot of driving and not enough fishing for not staying overnight. But when the urge is there it's well worth it