Housing Bubble Burst & Fly Fishing

Well they are just solid citizens who enjoy life, rather than relentless pursuit of the mighty buck. Now I see the loan sharks are after college kids!!
From post 21:

Well they are just solid citizens who enjoy life, rather than relentless pursuit of the mighty buck. Now I see the loan sharks are after college kids!!

According to the news reports, it looks like Bush will bail out most of those in arrears and default.
With our money, was in Leesburg Va not long ago, there was a gigantic house with 4 high end vehicles in the drive, license plate said "MORTGAGE", he will laugh all the way to the bank
http://news.yahoo.com/s/csm/20070831/cm_csm/yselgin;_ylt=ArVc72Cp0pwCM4Tjv4OAgGnEHX0V The culprit?
So why didn't our fearless leaders address this issue 2-3 years ago, they had to know this was going to happen!
Because our leaders were using it to say, "gee, look how great our economy is...aren't we doing a great job?" They knew what was coming...