HomeWaters Club- different name, same agenda

How often do you think this occurs on Home Waters:

Guide realizes his sport is a numbskull and will probably get skunked. He calls ahead and has some fresh stockies dumped into the Beat around the bend. Lo and Behold, when they turn the bend and start fishing, the sport begins catching trout on that magic rockworm fly the guide tied on for him as they rounded the bend.

Really, that's how some of these comments sound to me.
I'd venture to say that the experience is consistently pretty easy on these waters, but I've said multiple times that focusing on discussing a supposed lack of skill of the patrons is a bad idea IMO. Even if Jack is wrong, and they're all a bunch of hamfisted oafs that couldn't catch a wild bluegill if they tried, it's useless (imo) to rail on the skill level thing.

To the unbiased third party, it really looks like it's just a bunch of jealous whining. To the average person, a fish is a fish. We stand to gain nothing by convincing the world that these guys are poor sportsmen. It's really just a circle jerk, and our time is better spent discussing objective reasons why HWC/SRC is a bad thing.
Contact Info Email: mharpster@homewatersclub.com Phone: (814) 686-6214 Website: http://www.homewatersclub.com

Wonder if this was a mistake :lol: how many angry phone calls you think he got?

Just some more info.
Read #10 on the FAQ.

The reasons why this club is no good are blatantly obvious.
I thought about starting a business like HWC, then I realized that I have a conscience. Thanks for posting the sites jdaddy, ya beat me to it.

In all seriousness, this club is a joke. I having nothing against wealthy people, I just don't appreciate wealthy people thinking they are better than me and therefore needing to have private NAVIGABLE water posted and loaded with pigs. Even having private water designated for club memebers doesn't bother me, too much. What bothers me is the fact that this club tries to keep regular fishermen off of water that belongs to the fishermen in the first place. Small streams like Spruce Creek don't bother me, but trying to post waterways like the Little J for reasons that are complete nonsense does bother me. HWC cannot honestly say they are trying to preserve these waterways for the future. While they may preserve the "looks" of a waterway they sure as hell do not preserve the biology of these streams. HWC has their members convinced that we regular flyfishermen do nothing but harm their waterways, by overcrowding and overfishing, etc. I can admit sometimes I get mad when the Little J is lined with cars, but in the end it is better that more people know about this great stream. If we are "overfishing" why is the Little J close to becoming a Class A fishery? I could go on and on about what nonsense this club promotes, but I have to get back to work. Us free lunchers don't have it easy.
I'm not a Republican but i wash daily. I'm a Democrat and i own a small piece of beautiful native brook trout stream that i leave open to the public , the PFBC gave me "Fishing Permitted" signs that i stapled to a tree at the access , my Republican neighbors keep tearing the signs down , fearing an onslaught of the unwashed , i guess. Don't forget to floss.
TUNA wrote:

If we are "overfishing" why is the Little J close to becoming a Class A fishery?

According to the recent PFBC electrofishing surveys, the population in the Little J is way over Class A levels.

It's a good point; if streams are managed well, they can support high wild trout populations. Catch and release works.
Sounds lilke a fly-fishing club for the Marcellus gas well drillers- a place for them to fish when all the other streams aren't fishable. Sorry...couldn't help it.
Missy, Dave's wife
Actually , Missy , THAT is exactly what an old bird like me wants to hear from young folks , apathy , time(folks have allowed themselves to be in a position that with , kids , job , house/motgage , etc. they just don't have time to be activists) , age , etc. I was a union rep at work , union service is structured much like Public Service , the regulations exist to hold elected officials actions in the spotlight and demand immediate accountability. It's "We The People" who are at fault. We have the right to demand now and then.
That post from David's wife shows how many people really know about the Beav. It's saddening, but the more people that know about his "joke" the better, IMO.