Highspire Service Plaza 6-23 - bug questions



Feb 26, 2011






Quite an assortment. Are these all different or same bug different stages, sexes?

The Susquehanna is this buggy? It must be healthy, no??
All the better pics look like hexes to me.

A few of them, I can't tell, but they don't look like "not hexes". If I had to guess all of them are hexes.
They were thousands flying by the lights. They were all different sizes and colors. Some being very white to brown to yellow. The smaller ones were paler yellow to white. The photos don't do it justice.

I guess they were trying to lay eggs on the sedan thinking it was water? Hopefully some found there way to the water.

It was a pretty cool site.
My guesses are:

Hex, Iso, and E. dorothea and possible others.

< I guess they were trying to lay eggs on the sedan thinking it was water? Hopefully some found there way to the water.

I think they are just attracted to the light, mistaking it for the moon. This behavior would allow a population to expand.
Top photo is female Hex, next one is an Isonychia spinner, then Cahills (probably Mccaffertium)
The Susquehanna around Harrisburg has a rich population of macro invertebrates which is one of (if not the main) reason cited by opponents of declaring the river impaired.

It is indeed amazing the number and diversity of mayflies that you'll see around gas station street lights along the river this time of year.
Based on location and as other have mentioned.....

Slate Drakes

If it matches what's on my house lately, there's also caddis, golden & brown stones and a few various olives.
After looking closer:

1 & 3. Not a good enough view of any of them.
2. Hex
5. Maccaffertium genus (cahill, not sure which species)

4 & 6. Not sure on either. Not great pics, and knowing size would help. Best guess for both is Maccaffertium genus (cahills, but could be multiple species of cahill)

I don't see any iso's. Nor do I see any sulphers (dorothea or otherwise). For instance, on #6, only 2 tails. So it's not a sulpher/dorothea.
I've made numerous stops along highways during the evening hours in the summer and have instantly been swarmed by bugs at gas pumps. This time of the year especially along warm water streams there are dozens of different stages and bugs hatching from giant hex's to tiny yellow or cream colored flies. Add to that there are usually a couple of different species of stone flies maybe a dobson fly or 2, and caddis and midges.