High water mark?

troutslammer wrote:
jsjigs ,

I hope u wear a life jacket when fishing ..lol

On a very important side note Alan at spruce creek outfitter went to bat legaly against the Beav and spent ALOT of his own money to do so. Next time your in the area enjoying the "open" water on the J stop and spend a little bit of money and thank him for it !!!

I do wear a life jacket... when fishing on a jet boat. LOL.

I just don't fish in places that people want to jack me up 'cause I'm wading near their property. I've fished down near the Beav's place on the Little J. I usually just access the LJ above the white church near the bridge. Then I don't have to worry about Beav's minions chasing me. But I would like to take a **** in the Beav's so-called "Home Waters".