Here is a crazy idea

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
  • Start date
The summer 2020 issue of Trout, TU publication, has an article “The View from Stumpy’s”. The article stated the state of Minnesota has an easement system that pays as much as $12.00 per linear foot to the owner for fishing access. Rate is dependent on stream quality. A good trout stream would net the owner $63,360 per mile.
I agree with Mike's post about knowing in advance what the streams are helping people cough up the dough.

I think it's a great idea. If those stretches aren't stocked the enforcement might not be an issue. That's the only sticking point in my mind. Need more WCO's to enforce a permit like this. Of course, if it's like the other voluntary permits, that would make sense. Pay an extra $8 for a CAP permit.

Access really is getting to be a big issue. Lack of access leads to overcrowding and more likelihood of additional streams getting posted due to the overcrowding. It's a downward spiral.
Not a good idea pfbc has money they simply won’t spend it. They should have been buying stream side land long ago, they didn’t and now on most streams it’s just st too expensive.
If you want it, pay for it. This isn't a Wall Street bank where government officials fall over themselves to throw money at our interests and projects.
I have said YEARS ago; this is a race to the bottom. You don't want us to be a place like Texas or Europe where only the fairly wealthy engage in hunting and fishing and then, its only on preserves and beats.

Like the local dairy store; if you want it to be there for you, you be there for it. Pay the extra 10 cents for milk and make a special trip once a week. It'll stay in business if enough people do it. Don't expect the Wal[-Mart crowd to support or be on our side. In all the things I"m involved with, I don't think I find more whiners than 1) hunting and #2) fishing. It's even worse than parents in high school sports.
So when they *****, just keep going.

$5 is ONE spool of tippet. When people jump at the chance to defend paying $1000 for a fly rod, there should be a good number who spend $5 (or so) to ensure we have plenty of places to use that expensive toy.

Ol uncle Syl
We have a Lake Erie Stamp that has been using the moneys to acquire Easements and Access on the lake and Tributaries. The stamp is not that much and it has accomplished a great deal in the past 15 years, perhaps the time is right for a state wide program. $8-12 sounds about right, perhaps need that and a trout stamp to fish PaFBC waters and access areas.
We have a Lake Erie Stamp that has been using the moneys to acquire Easements and Access on the lake and Tributaries. The stamp is not that much and it has accomplished a great deal in the past 15 years, perhaps the time is right for a state wide program. $8-12 sounds about right, perhaps need that and a trout stamp to fish PaFBC waters and access areas.
The article concerning the PFBC CAP program is in the latest edition of Pa Outdoor News. I’m glad they did the write up but I feel it could have been better highlighted. Hey, at least they gave it some space in their news rag.
I haven't been spending much time on the fishing forum, so this is the first I noticed this thread. I apologize for the late contribution.

I already pay to play. It's called a fishing license and in my case, it's a non-resident license meaning a lot more than most of you. I also purchase a trout and a lake Erie stamp, which covers what most of you are talking about. IMO, we don't need anymore stinkin stamps.;-)

Seriously, I would not buy a special access stamp beyond what we are already paying. HOWEVER, if they chose to raise the cost of the trout stamp, I'd likely continue buying that. And keep in mind, I haven't fished for trout at all this year... yet. So it is a donation. You are welcome.

I noticed at least one other person stating that they are against any special access tag and that it should be open to everyone who buys the proper license. Add me to that list.

Mike, I read your post about donating to a cause that was purchasing game lands, even though you don't hunt. I can certainly understand that. I was a member of Ducks Unlimited for several years, even though I never hunted waterfowl in my live. Why would I do this? There is no other group that does more for wetlands, and preserving those helps everyone, including trout anglers. Wetlands recharge the ground water, even when there is no constant outflow.

Anyway, that is my two cents. We don't need any more tags or stamps.
