Here is a crazy idea

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
  • Start date

This has morphed into a real worthy discussion.
I think i will talk to the local fly shop today and you gave me some other ideas i can do on my own.
Pay for access is the Texas model. 95+% of hunting and fishing is available ONLY to those who can afford a lease. That forces the hoi polloi to crowd the state parks and federal lands. With the current economic depression those areas are even more crowded.

The TX model has turned hunting and fishing inTX into rich man's sports.

How will your plan keep that from happening in PA?
First its not a plan. Just someone thinking out loud.

Your concern would be valid. To answer shortly, because the program would have absolutely no affect on waters currently open to the public. Only certain waters already privatized and opened through the program. Also cost should be kept low.

These sorts of arrangements may well be where the future of quality trout fishing on non-public lands is headed. If so, I have pretty mixed feelings about it, but it is certainly better than the main alternatives which are either no access at all or a profit-based play for pay which will only serve to additionally commoditize the sport and over time, probably additionally narrow the stakeholder/participant base. I am in favor of the commoditization of bananas, Buicks and Buffalo Wings. Fishing, not so much..

It's been a while since I paid a whole lot of attention, so somebody correct me if I'm wrong. I thought though that one of the issues that hampered participation in the Commission's CAP program was that participants were not allowed to specifically earmark their donations to go to their preferred acquisition, type of fishery or easement, etc.

This tended to take a little bit of the enthusiasm out of it for some folks, although I always thought that a general fund was the only way to do something like this..

My memory thinks you are correct. I seem to at least remember something about that myself.
Maybe make a 2 part system?
Cold water acquisition funds and a warm water one?

I don’t usually contribute to such things because my impression is that there is often a strong Central Pa bias in terms of benefits realized. I used to contribute to Lehigh Valley Conservancy, however, because at that time it assisted the PGC in acquiring additional acres for State Game Lands. I contributed because they specified the SGL’s and counties where the monies would be utilized. I am not a hunter, nor do I own a gun or bow, but SGL’s benefit other wildlife and in a Schuylkill Co case the expansion of the SGL was going to change ownership along a portion of the Ltl Schuylkill River from private to public. I remember a similar situation involving Cherry Rn, trib to Fishing Ck in Clinton Co. If memory serves, the Western Pa Conservancy helped the PGC acquire substantial acreage. If anglers knew in advance which streams were being targeted by the PFBC, that might help with contributions.
I've been contributing to the CAP program for a long time and even old forms I have from 13 years ago don't mention targeted funding based on waterways or waterway types. I still think you CAN target funds if that's important to you, but I'm not positive.

However, that's why great ideas like this fall apart, people are too worried about what's in it for them. It's like donating to Shiner's Hospitals but saying you only want your donation to go to kids from PA. I know there are people with that mindset, but thank goodness it isn't the majority.

If you truly don't care.

I know some of my CAP funds are going to places I may never fish, but that doesn't bother me. Does EVERYONE who opines about fish kills or droughts in Yellowstone, fish in Yellowstone? If not, do they NOT care when it happens?

In my mind, if the PFBC can acquire access to ANYTHING to keep it open, I consider that a win. Especially if a parcel can be acquired or secured when it becomes available, versus stockpiling monies in anticipation of something specific becoming available.

Right now there is the Voluntary Fishing Permit Program which gives you the ability to target your dollars where you want them to go.

I just hope where you want to go is open to fishing when you go...
Way to many miles of fantastic public streams for me to "pay" to fish on private or posted ground. It would be a different story if there wasn't anywhere to fish, but that's not the case. I will agree that a lot of land around the easily accessible water is being posted, but I don't blame the property owner. We as humans are ignorant and do not appreciate anything and end up destroying the ground or suing the landowner because of some stupid reason. There's still 1000's of miles of public streams to fish that are either really good or excellent. I'd be happy with the fish commission taking care of these areas first with funds rather than spending more money on other areas, but that's why I donate to the Wild Trout program and TU.
Absolutely not. I do not like pay to pay at all. Especially areas with wild fish, and even moreso areas where you have to pay to fish for fish stocked by the state i.e. douglaston salmon run.

I have no problem with donating funds to create access but I think the access should be for everyone, not just those who donate.

While i brought this up, half of me feels the way you do. It is a conundrum for me as I thought about it.
That is why expanding this CAP program should really be paramount.

I hope you know, i want places for us all.
I wonder if a nonprofit like Backcountry Hunters & Anglers would be interested in associating themselves / getting the word out about CAP program...
raftman wrote:
I wonder if a nonprofit like Backcountry Hunters & Anglers would be interested in associating themselves / getting the word out about CAP program...

Raftman, I think that’s a good idea. I just emailed the editor of Pa Outdoor News providing him with some information and asked if they would consider running an article on CAP to inform fellow sportsman.

Sal got something started that may have a good positive outcome.
Guys that is awesome. Im going to try and pull some strings with people i know to get exposure also.
Paper, magazines etc...

This is a great example of a thread where the side conversation is way better than the OP.
The Delaware River Club site, in the river reports section, picked up on our CAP conversation and also posted a link to the program >

The PA Fish and Boat Commissions Conservation Acquisition Partnership Program came up on a fishing forum yesterday and it sounds like a great idea that could use some promotion. It was created by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission to solicit and accept donations to be used solely to obtain additional access to Pennsylvania’s water.

Click here to read about it here and consider making a donation

While you can’t earmark donations specifically for the Upper Delaware every bit of help the Commission gets benefits us.


Link to source:
Just got an email back from the editor of Pa Outdoor News. He said they’ll do an article on CAP.

Sal needs some more crazy ideas!
Really nice work guys! Congratulations.
Imma lift a toddy in your honor tonight.
I’ll also bring this up at the local Sportsmen's club I belong to.
Keep it going.
Lol i got plenty of them but half arent board appropriate and most of the rest are just too far out there ;-)

This is great stuff guys and yes let's keep this going!
I'm going to toast you all a beer.

Really good stuff
sign me up $$.... so much of our money goes to intangiable things that I'd be happy to contribute to more $$ to gain access to waterways...
Good job raising awareness