Help I’m Stuck!

Depending on the material, you may want to avoid WD-40 since it is more solvent than lubricant. After evaporation the purpose of the residue is more to repel moisture than for lubrication.
(Patience and) Cold on male and heat on female is the only way I know of that works to get them unstuck. For prevention, making sure that everything is clean works better that application of lubes.
Wait. And next time wipe the inner ferrule on your nose before assembly.
I also do this, I do it with all my fly rods and also my surf rods. Never had one stuck. Also it's cheap to
one of my rods was stuck years ago, I got it apart eventually. I use graphite powder on my rods and never have a sticking problem. Should be able to get it at a hardware store. Locksmiths use it to lubricate locks.
Blaster? Just be careful ,I'd put some on a q tip and work it around the joint while the rod is vertical. I'd keep it off the wraps .
Let it sit. Then try it? GG FWTW
I used Blaster to get the tar off my car once. Can only imagine what it or WD40 woudl do to the finish on a rod.
PB blaster strong stuff that's made for melting rust on metal
I wouldn't spray it anywhere near a rod......
Anyone get an update from the OP if he got the rod apart or broke it trying...?

To be honest, with the cooler weather we've been having lately it should have come apart by now without any tricks...
I've had most of my stuck rod issues after being out in all day downpours.
Seems like wet moist weather causes the ferrules to swell.
And it usually broke loose after putting it in a cool dry place for a few days.
I've had most of my stuck rod issues after being out in all day downpours.
Seems like wet moist weather causes the ferrules to swell.
And it usually broke loose after putting it in a cool dry place for a few days.

FWIW - Water won't cause resin impregnated graphite or fiberglass to swell or metal either for that matter...

ALL of my stuck ferrule issues were on days when it was a lot cooler in the morning when I joined the ferrules and much, much warmer in the middle of the day so they baked in sun all day and expanded.

That's why I ice them when they got stuck.

To avoid the problem on hot days, I will periodically loosen & re-seat them.
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I have tried a few suggestions but no luck. I’m gonna try the hot and cold approach this weekend. Fingers crossed.
I used Blaster to get the tar off my car once. Can only imagine what it or WD40 woudl do to the finish on a rod.
if i recall. the main ingredient that makes up wd40 is fish oil. i could be wrong, but i remember something from watching modern marvels lol
Yeah, no, I've heard that before. It's hogwash. It's oil based.

50–60% naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy. <25% petroleum base oils. <10% naphtha (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized heavy (contains: 1,2,4-trimethyl benzene, 1,3,5-trimethyl benzene, xylene, mixed isomers) 2–4% carbon dioxide.
I had my first episode with stuck section this summer. I used jar opener pads, many of which are like the shelf liner that Bamboozle mentioned, and pulled hard with no twist and was successful.
Yeah, no, I've heard that before. It's hogwash. It's oil based.

50–60% naphtha (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy. <25% petroleum base oils. <10% naphtha (petroleum), hydrodesulfurized heavy (contains: 1,2,4-trimethyl benzene, 1,3,5-trimethyl benzene, xylene, mixed isomers) 2–4% carbon dioxide.
Yeah that sounds environmentally friendly. I remember some recommending it as a fish attractant on baits and lures.
I have been using WD40 on my saltwater rods forever. Long before the internet was a thing. It has no harmful effects on a fishing rod, this includes fly rods which are merely fishing rods by another name. I base this comment on 50 years of personal experience not what some yahoo with 10000 subscribers says.

again, reel oil, five minutes and stop farting around.
I guess everyone uses what works for them but I been using ferrule wax on graphite rods for 50 years and never had a stuck joint.
I guess everyone uses what works for them but I been using ferrule wax on graphite rods for 50 years and never had a stuck joint.
I agree ferrule wax is a great idea but the rod is already stuck and needs to come apart.