Head Lamp Reccomemdations

I own a Black Diamond Storm, Black Diamond Spot, Petzl Tikka Plus 2, Petzl Tikka, and a Fenix HL23. Of all of these headlamps, I'll take the Fenix over them all. Black Diamond Storm failed me and quit working suddenly on a backpacking trip when it was not very old which did not leave me very satisfied. I always preferred my Spot over the Storm anyways, but the Spot has a crappy entrance into the battery compartment which I feel will one day break. My Petzls have been great. But the build quality of the Fenix is far superior to the others. Plus it runs on a single AA cell. I use eneloops and therefore basically never have to buy batteries. Also, it is very easy to swap a single AA in total darkness as opposed to 3 AAA if need be. This is coming from a outdoor junkie with a minor flashlight/headlamp fetish.
Bamboozle. The halogen vs. LED is VERY sound advice. I have found the same phenomenon.
This seems like the brightest hamplamp I have even seen- not in person but based on their ads.

Bright light
I'm happy so far with the black diamond, seems like solid housing and bright enough for me. Acrostic kid, headlamps boasting lm output that high often dont have the physical components or battery capacity to actual create that type of power output. Not to mention if it is the case, a lamp of that magnitude would eat through battery at an incredible rate.