Hay creek rodeo

This kind of thing really disturbs me. Why do they feel it is so important to disturb all this habitat in the pursuit of this "particular" fishing experience for kids. I respect their efforts to give kids a good time but there are certainly better alternatives for a kids special fishing experience. While their intentions are admirable, the adults aren't using their noggin's on this one.
Great lesson for the kids in the art of artificial fishing and doing whatever you want to the resource to achieve those goals...

I have a better idea...

...since the kids I see at those "trout ponds" at the fishing shows look to be having a blast and don't seem to mind fishing in a swimming pool at all; why don't these "sportsman" (and I use the term loosely) clubs just erect a trout pond?
After trying to trick the four gobblers out behind my house, I went over to the rodeo with my friend with spinning stuff. (Sorry guys, it's live bait only). I was suprised to see that you can't wade, you can only use live bait, and you HAVE TO keep what you catch, no releasing allowed. I got out of there quick and fished further down. Saw lots of trout in the no fishing section that were rising to #16 caddis. Shouldve had my fly rod... It was complete madness, people snagging fish, metal fence up everywhere, rocks of my favorite pools moved, and most importantly there used to be a hole in rustic with a big stump in it, (hopefully somebody knows where it was), and it is now not there. It is on the bank of the creek serving as a bench. That was one of the best holes to fish because of the cover. WAY too big to be moved by hand, and there were no truck tire tracks so I don't know how they got it out. I hooked one nice one and so did my friend on a spinner but we lost both. Might try with the fly rod again after the fences are down. Pools with 10-20 fish were not uncommon. They seemed ready to take things they haven't seen before, and I didn't see anybody fly fishing there so there should be some good risers soon.
The expression "Complain up" is relevant here.

It means complain up to someone who has the power to change the situation.

In this case that might include:

1) The land owners/managers.


3) DEP
Is this "rodeo" over or does it go on for Sunday too?
Bert, the park ranger drove past 2 times and didn't even get out of the vehicle. I guess he saw nothing wrong with it. I've already asked them a few questions about the rodeo... Mute, I'm not sure if it is or not. The signs say "No fishing in this area until Sunday 5/1/16" yet people fished the rodeo today. It's supposed to rain tomorrow so that will drive people off anyway.
isn't there's some sort of argument that could be made about that water? like it's public or something? obviously they don't own it so I don't understand how they can tell anyone otherwise to not fish it
isn't there's some sort of argument that could be made about that water? like it's public or something? obviously they don't own it so I don't understand how they can tell anyone otherwise to not fish it
No, they don't have a say. TU has no authority, it is simply an advocate for coldwater conservation.
No, they don't have a say. TU has no authority, it is simply an advocate for coldwater conservation.

Does TU even have any say as to where the state stocks fish?

Total rookie here, I say I'm a TU member but really I guess I'm just a check writing sympathizer. I like them, I like their ideas and efforts. As a trout angler I fully support the clean cold water movement and healthy streams just as a steward of the keystone state.

However I've never been to a meeting, or participated in any hands on improvements. I am hoping to though. If nothing else I'm gonna drag the boy out to one of the breakfasts at the tully house this year.