Hay creek rodeo



Jun 30, 2011
I was contacted by the dep,Birdsboro township and the sportsman's club both violated the permits they obtained from the fish and game commission and birdsboro will get the fine because dep permits were never gotten.
Good job Keppenbill! People on here, myself included, have been complaining about the rodeo for years and never did anything about it. Good job actually doing something about it. Thanks!
thankyou! your work is very appreciative, do you think they will still hold the rodeo? i hope they dont....
Awesome! good work. Glad to hear it!
Bump for rodeo weekend.

A bit of a heated discussion on here I know, but lets hear some healthy discussion if possible.

I'm a new resident of Birdsboro, member of the Sportsmans, and also tu member of the tully. I see both sides. Trying to focus on the positive as it looks like I'm taking my step daughters of 8 and 7 down there this weekend at some point.

Stopped at rustic this afternoon and saw the guys moving rocks by hand, looked rough. On the plus side though, not a backhoe in sight.

I've caught stockers, I've fished stocked streams. I've caught wilds and know how rewarding the adventure can be.

I'm focusing on the positive here so far and trying to supply the kids with a valuable memory and opportunity that isn't afforded on your average stocked stream like the perky.

I know many club members from bucks to poconos, yet I never rodeod as a child.

What say you Paflyfish? Worst thing for the environment and habitat? Great opportunity for kids to start a lifelong passion? Lets hear it, if nothing more than for discussion and education sake. Or it can break down into a monty python quote fest and I honestly wouldn't even be disappointed.
Our/your TU chapter did a lot of work in that area several years back. All the work was properly permitted and was designed to enhance the wild trout population. The club promptly ripped out all of our work and rebuilt their dams that warm the stream and increase siltation. They don't need no stinkin permits. I guess they own the stream or at least feel like they do and will do what ever they want to with it.
I couldn't imagine how mad the TU chapter was after seeing that. I would've tooken those fish out and put them somewhere else and buy a bag of gold fish to put in there lol
I can see that and understand your frustration. I've never done streamside rehab myself but I've seen and fished the work in other areas such as hosensack around palm.

Was all your work destroyed? Did you guys only work in the rustic park area or down in town closer to the mouth? I know there's a lot of public area upstream of that, did TU work up that way too. I would think their efforts would pay off more and even work more toward their motives further upstream but that's just my opinion.

I really understand the frustration. As an average fisherman of bait and fly it does irk me a bit just that they are allowed to close a stocked approved waters. Let alone the dams, and traffic and trash. Or the overstocking and not so ethical catching and keeping.

I fished there first day this year and a lot last year. There are many small dams there as it is. Was that work of Tu or old rodeo relics? They appear to me to be close to some of the work TU does in other areas, I could only guess for reduced flooding danger for trout and possibly aeration of the water? I guess what I'm trying to say is there appeared to be many small dams in that area already. Any idea where they came from?
Does TU even have any say as to where the state stocks fish?

Total rookie here, I say I'm a TU member but really I guess I'm just a check writing sympathizer. I like them, I like their ideas and efforts. As a trout angler I fully support the clean cold water movement and healthy streams just as a steward of the keystone state.

However I've never been to a meeting, or participated in any hands on improvements. I am hoping to though. If nothing else I'm gonna drag the boy out to one of the breakfasts at the tully house this year.
I'm not %100 sure what they they did but I removed hearing about someone with a backhoe digging. As we all know that's not good.
True, and I fully agree. But on the other hand, a backhoe driving in the creek, a mile from the mouth isn't the apocalypse. I guess it is if you just put your blood sweat and tears into repairing the stream. There is an extensive drainage to the hay though.

I think it's good they did away with the machinery. I saw the guys in a bucket brigade today tossing rocks and carrying them from far away. I respect that at least. I don't like a fence in the creek at all but at least its for two days only.

On that note, does anyone know what happens to all these fish after the rodeo and they pull all this work? I caught two good looking brookies there this year on opening day but as far as I can tell they don't stock brookies from the state?? Holdovers?? Wishful thinking I know.

Is this thing more damaging than a private club that stocks a private pond? or public pond like finland park in marlborough or out behind becks sea cove off 100 outside bally?? I mean all those fish just die in the heat soon after the rodeo. Thats sad in my opinion.

And then on the really bad end I know some that have had their whole club shut down due to issues just like this. Is that what needs to happen? It seems to me like a real fine line in the private or public debate that ranges from small town clubs like sportsmans to large out west pay to play ranches where the local conservationists there seem to hate them just as much.
I saw the article. Looks like they were fined a bit for sure. Not a lot though all things considered. I doubt they payed it all like tom **** or harry would be forced to. Good ole boys and such I'm sure.


sorry I don't know the linking or embedding stuff here yet. I can almost feel the admins and mods cringing at that statement.
Because they dam it up.. All that does is make it easier for them to fish and warm up the stream faster.
Anybody know what time it starts? Might try for turkey early and then head over to try to protect one of the popular holes...
It's tonight and tomorrow all day. Tonight 4-7or8? Tomorrow 7 to 4. Only place I saw them building a dam and what looked like a fence was basically at the downstream end of the parking lot by the wire bridge.

When I fished there first day I was well downstream of that. I hope it's only a small section that's closed for the rodeo cause if I take the kids there and it's madhouse crowded we will probably just fish downstream or drive around to the way upstream section of it off rockhollow.
And hey look out.. They will yell at you for even trying to cross the creek upstream a bit to get on the other aside towards old 82.
Didn't receive any message ace... Unless it takes longer that I thought.
Just was wondering if u were hunting local and commenting that I hadn't heard squat in the several areas of the park I had scouted in.
I'm hunting behind my house. Seen 4 huge gobblers and many hens. They are hard to call in off of my neighbor's land so I'm not sure if its any use.