Having a blast :)

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
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Active member
Sep 9, 2006
What have you warm water guys been doing?

I have been wanting to target smallies but all the rains have really put a damper on fishing the larger rivers/streams.

So i been improvising.

I hit a small resv. in Schuylkill County yesterday and went there because I know Chain Pickerel are in the water. I did really well.
10-15 fish.

Then I hit the old bass pond I grew up on that has some really big largemouths. It is rare to catch many of these fish but I had a 5lb or 6lb take the line but he came off. Next time maybe :)

After this I picked my daughter up and we went to two other local bass ponds. In the upper pond I was catching sunfish on BWO's and she was having so much fun. One of the words she can say is fish and she just loves them. Everyone I reeled in she would get all excited, point at it w/ her nuk and say FISH!
The water to our far right was boiling right against the bank. I small bluegill jumped out of the water and a large bass took it right out of the air :-o She saw it and point with her nuk and went "OH!" I was already snapping the BWO off and calmly said, "Im on it", without hesitation. I wish I had it on film it was a funny series of events.
I didnt catch the bass.

So the fishing in all the stillwaters has been good to excellent. I can't wait to get into the rivers. I just been targeting anything that will put a bend in the rod and it really has been liberating.
Keep the trout ;)

I have a ton of photos already and the season has just begun, but I think I'm going to save a bunch for this winter when we are all having cabin fever.

May 14th is the date I'm floating the Conestoga River w/ the last Saturday being a rain date. Also plan on floating the swattie a few times later in the summer.

Good luck you guys!
Sounds awesome. I may have to go hit a potential bass lake I've been looking into since last year since all the streams are blown, and look to be for the next week or so also. My daughter can just say dada and mama so far, "fish" will be next lol.
It's great to see more people thinking outside the trout box...warmwater fly fishing is a lot of fun, and adds a lot of variety to the sport. Only problem is when you become a little obsessive like myself and end up tying a ton of warmwater flies because you decide that you need at least 2 boxes of flies tailored to every species you plan to fish for...
What a nice eveing Sal. Here's wishing yuh many more.
Up where I am the last of the ice just melted last week so the water is still quite cold. I usually don't get my boat out until after Memorial Day since April and May are mostly trout months(and my busiest work months) but I'm thinking maybe crappies on the fly this year. I found some tying recipes on You Tube I'd like to try. I catch them by accident fishing for bluegills in the summer but I think for a change of pace I may tie up some crappie flies and give it a go.

Bluegills on the fly is actually my favorite fishing.
Dose that small Res. get fed by 2 small streams on either side with one stream being close to a some what popular trail....

Not to my knowledge. I thinking your thinking of the Lebanon Res which is closed to fishing.
Think I know what resv. you are speaking of.
Saturday evening I got out for a short while to a small bass impoundment. I mostly targeted the panfish and crappie with medium sized streamers as the bass were sluggish. A shadow of a bass would loom out of nowhere, attracted by the frenzy of bluegill, but they would not take, it was rather challenging. I did however get one just before the fish shut off (coldfront.) It mad my day.

I have to say though, I need my trout, and I need em soon!