Harvey Leader Questions

steve2u42 wrote:
i was interested in the Harvey Leader but i noticed that when he takes it to 5x it is 11.5ft. I am use to a 9ft leader. will this change anything for me going to a longer leader? Also when i was using 2 nymph i would add about 18" of 6x to my 5x to get the nymph down better. I fish different streams here in Pa. from Yellow Breeches to Penns creek in size. I use a 9' 5wt rod. 5wf line.
what make of line should i use? Are they all the same or better if i use different because of softness for Butt, Middle and tippet?

The harvey leader wouldn't be a very good tool for nymphing, imo. I use it for dries exclusively. The way I see it, It's tapered throughout which sucks for nymphs, and it's way too long and light. It also won't turn weighted flies over.

As for whether you can handle the extra length, you don't know until you try. I no longer fish anything shorter than 11 or 12' when dry fly fishing because I got used to casting them. (unless we're talking about my very occasional brookie outing)