Harman's North Fork 11/3 - 11/5



Jul 7, 2011
My wife and I had a wonderful time down at Harman's this past Saturday to Monday. I fished Monday night, hooking two but bringing none in. Both were on a green weenie. We had a great evening relaxing over dinner and wine and meeting new friends by the fire.

Sunday was beautiful and I fished most of the day. Had numerous hook ups and break offs or lost fish. It was frustrating! The couple we met next door to us said they were having good luck catching fish on dries. I just couldn't bring myself to trying dries in November, although I was sure it could work, it just seemed like streamers and nymphs were the better option. We spoke to one of the Harman's down at the store and he suggested using a double rig with an egg pattern up top with a nymph bellow. He says that is the way to go this time of year. I tried it most of the day and kept loosing them...eventually near evening the fish started rising in the big pool up by cabin 15. I was at the point of having nothing to lose so I tied on a royal wulff dry size 12, timed a rise, made my cast and caught a nice rainbow! I've fished Harman's twice now and I'm convinced big dry flies work great here. This one fish put me in a great mood for the rest of the night! We went he back and enjoyed steak on the grill, a bottle wine, played cards, had a fire, got in the hot tub etc...etc...!!!

Monday morning we had to get out early and fish before check out. I went back to an egg above a green weenie rig and caught two nice rainbows in a short amount of time. One on the egg and one on a green weenie. Although I lost many I will say that the green weenie produced the most strikes. oh yeah...I caught two fall fish also...hey they count! My wife had a great time fishing although she didn't catch anything. We are now looking forward to another spring trip!

Here are some pics:


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Nice review, I have caught some beasts up by that cliff wall.
I did not make it down by the main road this time. We mostly stayed up in the woods.
I was talking about the cliff wall in your picture. Above cabin 15.
Oh...I have not been that far yet. We probably should have! We mostly stuck to the middle around the cabins, where everyone else was fishing. I've noticed the fishing is good in the AM before they start getting fished over and spooked. We were fishing the hole right in front of our cabin. You could see several nice rainbows that would not bite for anything! I told another guy,"Those are probably the fish that have been caught and released too many times to be fooled again!"
Sounds like a good trip. "Concerned": I'm concerned you do not realize that 2 miles of water is accessible above the cliff at #15. We stocked the most trout from August to late september above the cliff at Cabin #15. A road 4X4 only goes behind cabins #20, #18 over the mountain and back to the river. We use this to stock the upper property 3/4 of a mile which is easy access to the 3rd big hole. Above the third big hole is more difficult access.

Have either of you traveled upstream of the cliff at Cabin #15?
magi, I have stayed at Harmons twice this year and have never gone above cabin 15. It would be nice to have a map at the counter to give your guests that shows how to acess the upper property. The first trip for me had the very high water.........1700+ and the second trip was in very warm and low conditons. You do have a very nice operation going and will be down many more times. Thanks.........Keith
Last time I was there I wondered up past that cliff and fished several riffles up there. I was pleasantly surprised to find large eager bows taking my size 12 adams dry. I had to cross the river to get past the cliff though. I wasn't sure if that was even Harman's property on that side. I agree a map would help. We also walked that unimproved road another day to get over the hill and back down to the river. It is worth the hike up there since not many people would bother except the die hards.

I have fished above 15, but only did because you made me aware of it when I was down last time. I would have never gone up that way if you didn't. A lot of guys do not want to take that hike over the cliff, but I was lucky enough to hit the water when it was low and cross instead of hiking the cliff.
I will make it a point to get up there next time. Getting up to the pool just past 15 was new for us this time. We only stay 2 nights each time so we get a few hours the first day, a full day, and another morning before check out to fish. I find myself managing my time too much....I was afraid of wasting too much time hiking beyond 15 in to the "unknown"! We might have to stay an extra day in the spring. Last spring the fishing was so good down bellow the bridge that I fished there for the majority of my time. Thanks for the advice!
We stayed at cabin 15 a few weeks back and I only fished upstream from there. The "third hole" had hundreds of fish but I had better luck in the pool just upstream of our cabin. The wife and I can't wait to go back. It was by far the most relaxing vacation we ever had!
See I thought the hole at 15 was the 3rd hole! We may have to collectively draw up a map...perhaps we could do a kml in google earth and share it (privately) amongst interested folks here.
Cabin #15 is the starting point for the upper property. The most remote water is the 3/4 mile(s) of easy access water above cabin #15. Above that 3/4 miles (or above the third big hole), there is another 2 miles of water, but it becomes more and more difficult to access.
Offering a 2 day free stay to paflyfish for the week of November 25 - 29. Please look for the offer on the other forum. Thx.