Hard as Nails



New member
Jul 20, 2009
I just bought the Hanson heart as nails – nail polish. Now what. To you use the bottle it came with or do you store-it in something else?
Use the bottle it came in, but trim at least half the hairs off the brush.
For small trout fly heads or wraps I just use the bodkin to dab an ever so small drop on the head or thread wraps.
I use the bottle it came in too. Bodkin or T-needle as an aplicator. I like the brush in the bottle as a way to get the right amount on the needle.
Dittos Mkern.
I use one of the many varieties (there are a bunch) of Hard As Nails from the bottle with a slimmed down brush for trout flies. I found the brush thing works best for me anyway, if I remove the bristles on each side and leave the ones in the center. Seems to make for more precise application.

For bass/pike/panfish flies, I use LA Colors clear polish from Wal-Mart at 99 cents a bottle. This is because, as everybody knows, bass and pike and panfish are more lowbrow, proletarian type fish and do not deserve the high end polish like trout do..
I use the brush and apply to about a half inch of thread and whip finish.
It helps to add a bunch of acetone (not regular paint thinner) to Sally's. I want the stuff to wick into the thread, not sit on top as a big glob.
I usually apply it with a bodkin, but, also cut the brush to very thin for some bottles.