Hand tied leaders

I think i go through about 10 a year , first time i really thought about it . When i sit down to make leaders i make 6 to 8 at a time of what i think i'll need in the near future , maybe 3 times a year. Give many away to folks. The method that is described in the OP will work , slow down and get the tippet end undone first....GOOD LUCK!!!!
I wind them around my outstretched fingers starting with the tippet first and ending with the butt section.. I leave about a foot of the butt section free and then "weave" it around the loops until it is used up. I dont coil these finishing wraps very tight. The mono will "find" it's own comfort spot. Most commercial leaders are packaged that way. As stated earlier, it is wise to take your time uncoiling the leader. You will be uncoiling from the butt to tippet. Most times the coils just fall apart naturally. Don't forget to stretch/straighten your leader once attached. FWIW, don't swap out leaders in the field as I prefer a tidy nail knot over some of the welded loop/braided butt/perfection loop butt abominations out there. Usually I just change length or tippet size based on conditions. I really prefer loop to loop tippet attachment. Most always, I'm fishing a 10-12 foot 5-6X point even with nymphs so it's a moot point there. I'll (rarely) stick a piece of glo-bug yarn inside a figure 8 knot halfway in the butt section if an indicator is needed. Ive had the same leader on my go to 3,4, and 5 weight systems for a couple years now. Never broke a butt section. Hope this helps.