So you basically just compiled subjects I talked about state wide, in other states, and across the country intended to share examples of a variety of the efforts that have been undertaken by states who actually manage their native fish and the accused me of wanting to hodgepodge all of them in the hammer on my own when I just told you I’m not even in the decision makers seat. I Literally just told you I am going to be seeking technical support from the most knowledgeable people about this subject and implementing what they recommmed as a volunteer and you accuse me of having “an agenda”. Do you think I made up supermales or genetic rescues or invented it and now tend to apply it on my own. Do you think PAFB and all these organizations are just going to let me waltz in there and do this stuff in my own even if it’s not indicated…..are you somehow afraid I actually could do all this tuff on my own without the backing of federal science agencies, multiple NGO’s and the fish commission if it is indicated. And then it brings up the real question at stake here, are you going to continue to let me out fishing preferences and fee floating anxiety about loosing brown trout in one single stream in this state stand in the way of what’s best for brook trout if all those experts say it is in fact what needs to happen. See here I have not said at ANY point that any of this is known to be indicated in the hammer, all I have done is said these techniques are being used and there is reason to belive that if experts prescribe it for a given stream that meets the criteria that we have a reasonable expectation there is high likelyhood of some success. Any indication you have that I can some how on my own do this or unilaterally intend to or am capable of is from your own free floating anxiety about one stream of invasive brown trout out of 86,000 stream miles equating to a World War Two invasion of the little J, penns, spring ect. It’s just irrational fear obscuring an objective evaluation of the restoration tools on the hammer by experts who I know you would not be so bold against if they were aloud to come on here and rip you guys apart over your critiques of their research findings and baseless disagreements.