Guide ethics.

A few years ago I was fishing a nice spot on Penns Creek when a guide and his client approached. As the guide moved toward where I was standing, he announced “I’m guiding.” I worked that section pretty hard so I didn’t mind moving upstream a bit. I hoped the newbie had a good experience but I wonder about the ethics of the guide. There are many guides out there and I know they are trying to make a living by putting their clients on fish. But this guide expected preferential treatment. The number of guides have now increased. I hope they don’t expect to own the river. Thoughts?
InCahoots wrote:
As the guide moved toward where I was standing, he announced “I’m guiding.”... ...But this guide expected preferential treatment... ...I hope they don’t expect to own the river. Thoughts?

There are some real hacks posing as guides nowadays. I can't believe they last very long in the business. If they expect you to move rather than have the ability and knowledge to find open water and put their clients on fish, they aren't guides. They are just guys who know a spot.
If someone came up to me on stream and announced "i'm a guide" expecting me to move i would tell him " well, I won't hold that against you. good luck finding a spot".
Might have been a guy trying to teach a new girlfriend how to fly fish. Catching fish would not have been the goal.
I run a few guide trips per year. It would never cross my mind to make the statement "I'm guiding" to someone. I would think that the guide would wait for you to leave or move around you to new water. Knowing me, I would have responded with "ain't that something". When I'm out with a customer, I make every effort to keep them away from crowds or other anglers. Not trying to be secretive but I think it detracts from the experience for the client.

Going back to the original post, I don't care if it was the guy's girlfriend or a really unskilled client. teach him how to catch fish instead of chumming them up and taking the easy way out.
Shoot a woodchuck, tie it on a overhanging tree limb at head of nice hole. Go back 2 days later. Is this chumming or expert thinking?

maxima12 wrote:
Shoot a woodchuck, tie it on a overhanging tree limb at head of nice hole. Go back 2 days later. Is this chumming or expert thinking?


I heard a story that a guy on Kettle Creek did the same thing but with road-killed deer, instead of a woodchuck.

Dead copperheads / FielD and Stream? Back a long time ago. Clarion Co. stream that I know quite well. The angler had hooked a big brown in a hole and chummed for 3 days before using a maggot for bait he got the big one . GG
Chum is a must in salt water. I’ve had Mangrove Snapper in slick along with Kingfish and Grouper. There were guys I New York that chummed trout in a lake using canned corn. Niblets brand only. GG
Chum is a must in salt water. I’ve had Mangrove Snapper in slick along with Kingfish and Grouper. There were guys I New York that chummed trout in a lake using canned corn. Niblets brand only. GG
Meh. He chummed first a beginner.

You guys get worked up easily.
Chumming trout. And a guide. Wow. That is disgusting. I know and come in contact with some guides. Some are great guys. More than a few should probably find another line of work judging by their miserable, territorial demeanor and actions.
I wouldn't show guides anything. I worked for years finding places and doing the research. Why would I hand that over to someone who really is only interested in making money off it? Check your ego or need for attention before broadcasting your spots to guides or anyone else.
However in my example i am not so sure fishing with a person who is a friend, who happens to a guide is a broadcasting or ego thing but thanks for the input.:lol:

Really what i found odd about the whole thing must of all was that comment about taking clients, coupled with yelling at me months later for making a stream report on the place here.
Its not even a fragile wild trout stream.
Take a position and stick with it i say.

Always had good experiences with guides. I always try pick their brains. On a recent trip to Ashville went out on a full day float with my girlfriend. I threw beetles at the bank while she fished a indicator. She out fished me and it was her second time out. But the guide waited till they released water from the dam and we did a little bit of streamer fishing and now I can’t get enough of it.

On the flip side what if you were a guide and you took a client out come the next day you out with another client and you find the the client in your honey hole?

Depending on species and where you are fishing guides are so different. On my Ashville trip I booked a 8 hour trip we fished for 12. I loved it my girlfriend was done at hour 8. The guide was super friendly and laidback. They also cooked us probably the best pulled pork sandwich I’ve ever had. My trip to key west was the total opposite. Still awesome and the guide was great but they want you to catch. They yell and almost get mad if you mess up shots at fish. The trip was 8 hour and we were at the dock at the 8th hour. We had to bring lunch and we also brought the guide something to eat as well.

A good guide in my I my opinion is basically a teacher. Knows his species that they are targeting and can teach someone how to catch the fish.if you go out on a guided trip and don’t come away with anything that you can apply to your water then you wasted your money. And if your a guide and you do what the guy chumming did your doing a disservice to your clients. Or barging in a hole someone is fishing and say I’m guiding your a tool there’s plenty of water with fish in it.

Lastly a question never fished the breeches but from everything I’ve heard it sounds like the little Lehigh of central pa. Is the assumption right?
If you are talking Spring, Penns or YB, there aren't really any secret honey. There may be certain portions that get less pressure but there are no secrets.
Kray where you addressing me? Sorry i didnt see any other context it could be applied to.
If so, no it was a WW stream.

On the flip side what if you were a guide and you took a client out come the next day you out with another client and you find the the client in your honey hole? 

Another reason i think my example is hilarious.

As far as the YB being compared to the LL.
I think that is fairly accurate but IMO the YB is better.
To each their own though.

Kray where you addressing me?

Nope. Just a general statement in rebuttal to someone's comment about finding a client in the secret honey hole that the guide took the client to previously.

I will also add that there are several big named fly fishing guides in the region that I'm aware of using baits or spin gear with their clients. I don't think it's the best idea but you are trying to get your client on fish at the end of the day. There have been a few trips where I've thought to myself...if this person catches a fish, it will be a miracle. That's when I wished that I had bait. LoL. I like the challenge and see it as a bigger accomplishment for both of us (and more rewarding) to slay the dragon and get one the hard way...on the fly.
What is the job description of flyfishing guide?