GPS Fishing Guide For PA



Well-known member
Jan 16, 2012
Carbondale, PA
Just wondering if anyone has purchased the GPS Fishing Guide advertized here?

Pros and Cons you've experienced?

I have been wondering the same thing Dave. Price ($50) is a little steep to jump in without some reviews. Checked it out on the apple app store and found no reviews posted.
i saw a guy giving demo at the Eastern sports show in Harrisburg thinking about getting it myself but thought i would look to see if anyone here had any ideas on it first. It looks great. I e-mailed customer support a couplke questions and got this as a reply: My question was- if i buy the GPS Card how much are the yearly updates? They told me that at last discussion it would be $9.99/year. If i bought the phone app there was no cost that the updates were free. They also told me that the price of the GPS update may change since the phone app came out. but the GPS update cost is still undetermined. That is all the info i have. was hoping and still am hoping for more reviews.
Has to be some member of the forum that purchased this. I guess we'll just have to wait and see if they catch the post and reply.

Unless this is considered electronic "Spot Burning"??? ;-)
Could be the ultimate means of spot burning :) Seems novel enough, but compared to a smart phone with Internet access, I can't imagine they are adding a whole lot that wouldn't already be available. Seems more geared to the larger river/lakes angler, which I am decidedly not. Since it only works with a Garmin, or an iOS device (looks like they missed their Feb. 1 Android target date), gimme a Delorme and my Thunderbolt and I'm good to go!
bring that smart phone up here and see if it works every where. delorme topo 9.0 for lap top..


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sandfly wrote:
bring that smart phone up here and see if it works every where. delorme topo 9.0 for lap top..
Same here.
sandfly wrote:
bring that smart phone up here and see if it works every where. delorme topo 9.0 for lap top..

I have that too, but was referring to the paper Delorme for when cell service isn't available. If I had a few hundred dollars to burn, I could get a Delorme InReach, which has an app that lets you download Topo USA maps to your phone. Then my smart phone would work everywhere :)
As the creator of the GPS Fishing Guide, let me chime in. I am probably the one who did the demo with you in Harrisburg. We now have the full suite of Garmin, Android, and iPhone apps available. Unfortunatly I've been traveling so much that I haven't gotten to updating the links on the landing page for our ad. I'll hopefully have that done by this week. Below is a link to another discussion with a member who does have the GPS Guide.

If the link doesn't work, search "Gogal",18803,330822.html#forumpost330822

I will be as the Jaffa show in Altoona and then at the Erie show if anyone would like a demo. You are right about there not being any ratings on the apps. That is very common with a new app such as ours. We're hoping that will change in coming months but those who bought the app will need time to use it a bit before they feel comfortable rating it.
I purchased the App for the iPhone. I took advantage of the sale this week. It is a nice app for locating trout streams in Pa. It tells you which streams are speacial regs and normal stocked streams etc. It will give you a stream listed closest to your present position or closest to a town you insert. Then you start exploring which streams you want to visit. You can even tell the app to map your route for driving directions to a stream. It saves from having paper maps to read through.

You can save your favorite streams that are listed in the app but this app could be improved by adding the ability to drop pins at your own locations and add your own information. Maybe this feature is in the app but I couldn't find it. It would be nice if future apps had a log feature and picture feature like MotionX GPS app.

As an FYI - I have a free app I downloaded which is pretty nice called "The Hatch" It's a hatch chart app. it doesn't have many rivers in Pa but the information is pretty usefull to help identify which insects you are seeing on the stream and which fly to use.

I tried to get this app yesterday because I seen it was on sale but couldn't find it in my market place. Droid X2.
For all interested

Mike Gogal of Gogal Publishing Company will be the speaker on April 5th at Bucks County Trout Unlimited
Not a smart phone guy, so useless to me. At the FF show last year, there was a guy selling a card for car based GPS systems. Thought it looked pretty cool, but incomplete.

It had the ATW and class A list imbedded. I really don't care, those are well known and easy to find. But I told the guy as soon as they add the natural repro list, I'm on board. I think it'd be do-able, they have the natural repro list overlayed on google maps, and I think the Garmin units are based off of that. If they have updated that app to include the natural repro list, someone please let me know!
Dear djs,

Marone, as the Eye-talian's say, doesn't anyone besides me just ride around and go fishing? ;-)

Honestly, where has the sense of adventure gone?


Tim Murphy :)
got a message back from the company and he let me do the app for the sell price. I was pretty impressed. had a few spots i went to today i didn't even know about. right around my house. dahhh.
only used the stocked list for now, will try out some of the others at a different date.
Hey Tim,

As an Italian, its Madone, Short for Madonna, or Madonna Mia......:)

Sense of adventure faded some with age. Now that I'm older and "responsible" I have less time to fish, so, if I can find a spot faster, I'm going to look into it.

Means that, once I am on the stream I can spend more time exploring it. So much water, so little time!


TimMurphy wrote:
Dear djs,

Marone, as the Eye-talian's say, doesn't anyone besides me just ride around and go fishing? ;-)

Honestly, where has the sense of adventure gone?


Tim Murphy :)
TimMurphy wrote:
Dear djs,

Marone, as the Eye-talian's say, doesn't anyone besides me just ride around and go fishing? ;-)

Honestly, where has the sense of adventure gone?


Tim Murphy :)
Price of gas has put a damper on my adventure.
I think the lists encourage me to seek adventure. Too easy to hit the local well known places. Then you look at the list, and whatdayaknow, 5 minutes away from it there's a stream with wild fish that I hadn't considered.

I have a map of all the streams in Pa. if you have access to a gps all you have to do is come down the house and get the longitude & latitude of the stream and punch it in. I dont know if you could do it on your phone. I don't kow if you have the gps. Let me know.
Any discount for PAFF members?