Got a vise this weekend!



Jun 8, 2011
Picked up my first vise this weekend. I gotta say, it's pretty fun. Tied some buggers and experimenting with two other patterns now. Fished the bugger on Sunday and caught a creek chub, not a trout but something took it! I can't wait to get better at it and have my fly box filled with all my own flies.

Oh life as you know it has changed now! Addiction will occur next followed by compulsive buying of tying materials you couldn't use in two life times! Welcome to the dark side!
Let the sickness begin! It all starts with a vice. Next thing you know you'll have a whole room filled with supplies. Just remember to pace yourself. Dont try and tie every pattern at once. Have fun.
I have a real problem with pacing myself when it comes to tying. It has become a full blown sickness.
flynoob wrote:
I have a real problem with pacing myself when it comes to tying. It has become a full blown sickness.

I even had a special room constructed in my basement for my tying enjoyment. Thank God I have an understanding wife or she'd own half my tying stuff by now!
I can definitely see how it can become addicting. And yes, I am trying to pace myself and only go with one or two flies at a time. I already have a list started of the flies I want to tie.

I have to remember I have other hobbies as well... this fly fishing is starting to consume me!
Trust me it gets worse. Wait till your up till 3am searching the web for patterns and you find a cool one that you cant to try and you go to bed and lay there thinking about it for a half hour only to get out of bed and tie a few just so you can sleep. My wife hates when I do that. She thinks im crazy! LOL
Welcome to the world of not paying 2 dollars for a fly, but paying 60 for a saddle!
BMarx wrote:
Welcome to the world of not paying 2 dollars for a fly, but paying 600 for a saddle when the stupid feather hair craze is going on!

fixed it
We don't call it a vice (sic) for nothing. a very short itme, no animal, wild or domestic, will be safe. I once had a deal with a neighbor who had a couple of Saymonds (sp): a six pack per bundle of hair. been there!
Tying my own flies, the most expensive thing I ever did to save a buck!!! Welcome to the dark side my friend!

flyfishermanj wrote:
Tying my own flies, the most expensive thing I ever did to save a buck!!! Welcome to the dark side my friend!


I think if you started to tie as a teen, you must tie flies into your late eighties to reach break-even and finally see some savings on

Good luck tying. It really adds a lot of enjoyment to your fishing.
Ha! Yes, it may be the most expensive thing to save a buck or two. Especially the start up. I tied a dozen caddis pupas last night and was really happy with the results. On to the hare's ear!
Gotta luv your enthusiasm. I agree I do not tie flies to save money, I tie them because I want the thrill of knowing I fooled a wild fish on something off my vise.

Good to have another convert!
As a beginner, be sure to label your ties so, By labeling your early efforts, you will be able to identify them in a year. LOL
fishbaithohaha wrote:
As a beginner, be sure to label your ties so, By labeling your early efforts, you will be able to identify them in a year. LOL

Don't do that if you are like me. After a year my ties got worse because I thought I knew it all. I was more careful when I first started! Just saying............ :-?
Definitely a convert for sure. And that's what got me interested in doing it was to have the satisfaction of catching fish with something that I put together.
Gibs, I just started tying a few weeks ago as well. Finally caught my first trout on a fly I tied last week, what a thrill! Had to get a picture of that one.
Hey congrats, share the pic with us.

Gibs, you do the same for your first fish on your fly!!!!!!!!!
I did take a picture the other day of the chub just to document the moment, but I think I'll save the pic showing for a trout!