Good Fishing Dogs

This is my ’94 SPCA Heinz 57 sporting her new mohawk. She puts out enough fur a year to make two more dogs so I shear her on a regular basis. Not much of a fishing dog though, can’t swim worth a dam and is more interested in birds then fish.

Previously I had a much smaller mutt, about 35 lb. that floated like a cork and could swim circles around labradors. Standing chest deep in water, I’d call her to heal and she would swim to me, and hold position at my side. She would also bark when a fish hit my dry and go on point if she saw a rising trout. Obedient to a fault, she liked everybody. Dixie, come. It’s like leaving the keys in the ignition of your Porsche convertible.

These days, mutts and mixed breads are called designer dogs and pitched for big bucks. It’s no wonder there are so many pounds, shelters and euthanized pets.
not saying ****ers are good fishing dogs. but my idiot of a dog will bark at my line wait of any movement. and when it twirches he goes nuts. we took him to a lake once and he loved catching the sunfish and bass. he would actually pick up the sunfish(after unhooked) and try to run away with them! lol. i can believe he didnt get stung in the mouth by them fins. he is my completely retarded idiot. but i love the heck out of my moron :-D
haha my wife and halloween+sometime always dangerous!
stupid but pretty
again my wife+christmas+too much time!
Skiltonian wrote:

“…trained him to stay out of the water, I never go without anymore. Never need a leash and always listens…”

I’ve fished with a lot of dogs, unfortunately, none of them were mine.

Keep control of your dogs when you bring them fishing. Some guys don’t pay attention to them just let them wander around to bother other fisherman, or chase animals through the forest.
I can't think of anything worse then having an unrulely dog along on a fishing outing. And I love my dog, but he can't listen to your commands and sit or be still most of the day while you are fishing, why take the dog along? You've got to be in control of the dog all the time.
I disagree with the others that said go to a shelter, I say you do better by getting a dog from a breeder that is reputable then you'll ever do with a dog from the shelter. There's a reason most of those dog end up there and it usually isn't good.
Make sure any dog you get is willing to be submissive.
A little something my sister made today from last year at Penns during the March browns.
Well I don't know if Basset/lab mixes are good fishing dogs, but I can tell you they sure ain't phesant dogs.

I took her out on Saturday. She walked BEHIND me! At one point I turned around and she was LAYING down on the trail.

The only way she could find a ringneck is if it had a cheese burger tied to its tail.
i met a girl on the wiss yesterday with two dogs .she said one of them pointed trout for that would be a good fishing dog!
Shelters are a great idea, we wanted a Minature Schnauzer though, got a 6 month old male, bought him from a local person he is great to take fishing, doesnt' even dive in, would be great for an apartment, but you gotta excercise them they love to rumble.
IMO, skip the hunting dogs unless your going to hunt while you fish. Go to the shelter, see if any have some Australian Sheperd in them. If they do, snatch it up, you'll never find an easier dog to train and they love working.