Go to Nymphs ??



New member
Aug 28, 2015
Hello guys and gals, New to this forum and wanted to hear what is everyones go to nymph? The one that you can open your box and tie on with at least a LITTLE bit of faith youll hook into something worth talking about...Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter..Lets here em!
Hare's ear.
Zebra midge......As long as I can still see.
Either soft hackle bead head PT Nymph or Hare's Ear. Size 14 to 22. Green Weenie in the same sizes works well at times.
PT all the way.
For CV limestoners my go-to nymphs are scuds and cressbugs.

For bass rivers, any big rubber legged critter that resembles a hellgrammite.
Green Weenie. It doesn't answer your question, but many consider it a nymph pattern. I really don't care. It works when everything else doesn't.
Antron caddis larva is a standard pattern for me. That or a pheasant tail.
for me it depends on the stream and time of year, anyway, here are a few:

soft hackle hare's ear.
soft hackle PT
SH prince nymph
Zebra midge.
Original Sawyer style PT on a size 18 dry fly hook. I've caught fish on EVERY water I've fished why these patterns. Worked on the Letort, Falling Springs, Spring Creek, Clarks, Big Spring, South Platte, Eagle River, Blue River, Un-named beaver ponds on Pikes Peak, Yellow Breeches, Manada, Powells, Yellow Creek, Saco, Wildcat, North Fork Shoshone, Yellowstone, Slough Creek, Lamar River, Soda Butte Creek, North Platte, Missouri, Alexander Spring, Kish, Honey, Tea Creek, Trout Run(s) and too many others to list. Sawyers PT is the greatest ever! Don't leave home without!
Pheasant Tail or zebra midge. I also like stoneflies.
It's either a hare's ear or a prince nymph. If one isn't working the other does.
Size 14 bead head caddis pupa. Chartreuse and peacock, or tan and choc. brown Lab fur. That said I always have some soft hackled PT's in 16-18. Not sure if either classify as a nymph, but they catch a lot of fish for me.
"Size 18 tan RS2" I had to look up the RS2, I had never heard of Rim Chung, thanks for posting that. I became a fan of BWO nymphs this winter fishing more than usual.

Hello VC
Size 16 copper John tied with copper red or green wire has always been a great producer for me
I fish tandem rigs and I usually start out at the creek picking up rocks and rolling over logs to see what's about. Based on what I find or what was successful from previous outings, I start out with a Hare's ear and a zebra midge. If I'm not doing anything on these, I will swap out the zebra for a PT or a copper john - red or green wire. If i'm not doing anything then I switch over to a prince nymph and either a PR or copper john, whatever I wasn't using. If I am still getting skunked, I will try a green weenie. I fish mostly bead heads and soft hackles. Up to this point, very rarely will I not be into any fish but if it happens, I'll try anything and everything - wooly buggers, san juan worms, stoneflies. If I am still skunked up until this point, then it is time for a beer and a burger or lunch or dinner of some kine and moving onto another place... Also, I live by the creed I bad day on the water is better then any day at work. YMMV but have fun anyway.


what size zebra midge do you prefer?