
Yeap, several pairs of fingerless rag wool gloves, with no flap. I don't think I spent more than $10 for any of them.

I have to admit I have not tried some of the other ones mentioned here to know how good they are. I have been using these rag wool ones for so long I stick with what I like and that I know that works for me, instead of believing the ad campaign people that I just had to get the newest, latest ones to come out on the market.
I have a copy of the glacier gloves that I got off eBay.

I like that the thumb and forefinger fold back for tying on flies.

I also always always wear a hat and scarf to keep my neck and ears warm. Never have needed a handwarmer.
Another vote for fingerless wool - in particular the version(s) that have small rubber nubs that enhance grip. And, as others have mentioned, some type of hand warmer.
Rag wool, washed in hot water and dried, to shrink before use. Tightens up the knit to lesson the effect of wind and moisture. I've used neoprene working out side in construction and fishing, they don't work as well. The method above works the best.