Giant Striper Caught (77lbs)



Active member
Sep 9, 2006
The northeast striped bass and surf fishing community is abuzz today due to the capture of an enormous striped bass. Although this fish was caught in RI and certainly not by a FFer, it's testament to the presence of giant fish - fish of an age category that have been very sparse since the 1970s. This particular fish was over 77 lbs making it just a pound shy of the world record fish - a record that has stood for 30 years.

Photo courtesy of stripersonline.


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What a fish! Just think it could have been one nice snack away from being the new record.
My uncle is a Marine Biologist for Delaware and he's said that the last two years have been great for Stripped Bass. He thinks they're really starting to make a come back on the East Coast.
That fish is half my size...I wonder if I could have beat it in a battle
Another giant striper
Go to page 17
Henry didn't see anything plus my name isn't in the police report anymore....YAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, helluva fish. A 45lb striper was recently caught from shore in the Delaware River in Easton, PA. It's notable because prior to that the biggest striper I'm aware of caught that far upriver was a 35 or 36lber NJ record book striper caught on the NJ side of the river in the Phillipsburg area, in 2007 I think.