Giant musky on the fly!!!!!!



New member
Mar 21, 2014
52in x 27in girth the musky weight calculator estimates
Her at 48.5 pounds my biggest musky by far!!!


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That's pretty impressive for sure.
Mark - you da man!

Might I ask where?
Nice catch, lots of questions, what rod? what fly? how long the fight?
THat is a real "TOAD". GG
I got her on the yough river

Rod was redington predator 11wt musky edition

Fly was a Buford variation about 8in all black

She fought for what felt like forever but was probably
About 5 minutes lol it was the craziest moment in all
My years fishing
Wow impressive on any gear and fly makes it that much better!
Absolutely incredible fish, Mark! Congratulations!!!! Fish of a lifetime right there... especially in PA!
Thanks guys I new it was a special fish from the moment I set the hook and saw her giant head shakes just didn't know she was that big till she was in the net and had a second to think about what just happened lol
For those who like to tie BIG flies!! Here's on on the Buford variation.
Yep, great fish, the time is now.

I fished Sunday, wishing I could have fished Monday, you had perfect conditions. Warming water, low wind, full moon, well done!
Sweet fish.

Did it hit at the boat or out from it?
About 40 foot out from the boat
Wow! :-o

(This thread will move to the Warm Water forum shortly)
I will keep quiet....the girth is bigger than mine.
Dave_W wrote:
Wow! :-o

(This thread will move to the Warm Water forum shortly)

Yep, someone posts something cool on the main forum and we can't have that hanging around. We gotta make room for stocked trout discussions or something.

I'm not sure if you were serious Dave, but I think this should hang around here for a while longer.

PennKev wrote:
I'm not sure if you were serious Dave, but I think this should hang around here for a while longer.

Yes, I was serious.

Just to clarify...

My "wow" comment was an expression of admiration for the fish and did not have anything to do with the thread being in the wrong place.

I frequently move threads to more appropriate forums in order to keep them populated and ensure that the forums are organized. Otherwise, everything would be under General.

When I see a thread that will be moved, I often post a brief notice such as this one as a courtesy to readers who may return to read the thread and can't find it.