Giant musky on the fly!!!!!!

I've been thinking about this fish all day...

As far as I know, this muskie may very well be the biggest ever caught in PA on the fly(?).

I know of a handful of other fly-caught PA fish in the 50" length range but this particular fish may be longer and is really heavy.

This would be the fish of a lifetime for any muskie angler in PA fishing with conventional gear, but to get it on a fly is amazing.

Just an incredible fish.
Thanks Dave I've been doing some digging around online and
I can't find a bigger fly caught fish from pa not that I'm saying it
Is by any means I just can't find anything this big closest I found
Was a 50.5in fish caught in the beast of the east a few years back
Anyone know of anything bigger just for curiosity sake
Amazing!!! :-o
I hate to be "that guy" but where was this caught? Don't need the exact coordinates of the place but if its a large body of water like the Susquehanna (which I'm kind of doubting with as heavy as it is) or if a lake at least what part of the state?
I surely don’t know of any PA muskies larger than this on fly gear... that fish is a true, rare BEAST! Congrats again to the angler!
Congratulations. That's certainly a beauty and WAY BIGGER than any muskie I've ever tangled with. Good job.
AndyP wrote:
Congrats on an amazing fish. I’m as impressed at how fat it is as much as how long it is !! Frame that photo !

Also whats amazing is usually the fatter a fish is the shorter they look. Kind of makes an optical illusion. Definitely one of the largest PA musky I have seen.
Mark911 -

Looks like you've fished for, and have caught them before
I remember reading numerous articles from serious muskie hunters.
It takes a lot of dedication - and they claim to have put in like 100 hours fishing for every one caught.
Just wondering if that's been your experience
So how long did you keep it out of the water for the photo shoot?

I've been heavy into musky fishing for 7 seasons, this is my 7th. I've never seen one that big/fat caught in PA, or at least one that the angler admits was caught in PA, many won't say a thing about where or when. Truly awesome Mark!!!

For Dryflyguy, it took me 4 seasons of 8-10 full day outings per year from drift boats before I landed one. I had follows, eats, blown hooksets, all of that, but you have to pay your dues before you earn one of these fish. Then it starts to click over time once you learn to identify what water types they prefer.
D nymph you are about on par with me took me 2 years of mess ups
Faulty equipment and missed hook sets to get my first
And before this fish it was a all most a full year to the day since
Since I put my last one in the net others on my boat have caught
Them in between that time but me personally it was almost a year
Since my last one! Way to break a cold streak lol

I only had her out of the water for about a minute or so then she swam right back to the log jam I pulled her out of
Mark, glad I'm not the only one that goes on hot/cold streaks! You're right in the original post about having to love the grind. Musky fishing is not for everyone, it's a ton of long hours then... boom, amazing! Everyone wants to catch one, but most are just not able to deal with the long hard grind. Those of you who know... know.
Yeah its crazy how much time/money I've spent on chasing
These fish sacrificing numbers for a chance at the biggest
Fish of you life I pretty much stopped all other fly fishing
And put everything in to this I still smallmouth a couple
Times a year just to remember what it like to catch a fish lol
Brad Bohen truly said it best you can go from zero to hero
In a moment with these fish
mark911 wrote:
Yeah its crazy how much time/money I've spent on chasing
These fish sacrificing numbers for a chance at the biggest
Fish of you life I pretty much stopped all other fly fishing
And put everything in to this I still smallmouth a couple
Times a year just to remember what it like to catch a fish lol
Brad Bohen truly said it best you can go from zero to hero
In a moment with these fish

I realize it's not easy to just focus on one type of fish and fishing and continue to grind it out day after day, year after year. Good to see someone so dedicated to musky fishing show success and finally be rewarded with a fish of a lifetime. Congrats to you!
This the fly I stuck her on for any one that wanted to know


  • 20200312_130640_compress93.jpg
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Fly looks "pushy" great profile, bit of flash, and movement! Very nice!