Getting older as a FFer

Last year was a total bust as far as fly fishing. I've been having vertigo and wasn't comfortable with wading. I found out I have Cervical Scolosis, kink in my neck that has caused 69% hearing loss in my left ear, vertigo, and loss of strength in my left arm. I see a Doctor next week and hope to figure something out. I've been blessed with over 50 years of fly fishing so if I can't stream fish I'll catch some Bluegills on local ponds.
Lky, I hope your doc figures out a was to get you fixed up and back on the water.

Also, T/b and others are right about getting out and moving around. I walked my wife's dog a couple miles today on the local rail trail. Then I drove up along a stream, and two young lions i know (both age 18) were getting ready to fish. I'm waiting till Monday when it's to get close to 50 degrees.

I also agree with those (Dave W) who have said whole days are not for me any more -- making work out of fun. I know I wouldn't want to be out in a boat in 20-degree weather.

But, I don't want to give up any more than I already have. At 70, I hope to continue to do a lot of the things I like: ff, age level basketball, etc. I hope others with good health can do the same.

Two years ago at the Jamboree when my late brother Jim and his son and my son and my daughter all joined in, we went to Spring Creek. Everyone fished but me and Connie. I walked the stream and stream-side woods with her and showed her the stream ecosystem, pointing out molting sulfurs, some other bugs and how the system works.

I did not fish, but I helped her find some wild onions, which she took back to camp and cooked for the evening meal.

I had just as much fun as I would have fishing the spinner-fall that never happened.
Staying active is really the key. We have 12 horses to take care of and I still ride, almost daily. I am 73 and oddly, I have no problem staying on my horse, but my stream wading is getting shaky. I am no longer comfortable deeper then my knees in swift water, that never bothered me before. It is a balance issue. I even use a wading staff now.

I'll be 68 in January. Wading staff a must now, plus waist highs. No reason to wade deeper. I'll fish 3 or 4 hours and call it a day. I think it's more fun now than when I was younger. Much more relaxing. I guess it helps when you're retired.
Dear afishinado,

That was enjoyable to watch, but for me the enjoyment came in the form of remembering departed friends with whom I have fished with over the years.

When I full of **** and vinegar, and beer, some guy that owned a fly shop in White Haven PA introduced me to a bunch of people 10. 20, and even 30 years my senior.

I fished with them, and enjoyed their company and their stories even more. We caught fish, and had more fun than we probably deserved to have. Along the way over the years, I've met a few people here from the board of my vintage. We too fished, and had a lot of fun.

But to me fishing was never about fishing. It was about the company I kept while fishing. The fish were just a bonus.

Now that so many of my former fishing buds have passed and my brothers live half a nation away I don't fish so much. I still go, but when I succeed I sometimes look at the fish and my eyes tear up, while thinking, I wish .................... was here to see this?

One day I'll fall and face plant someone. I hope to Christ it's on a stream or lake, or at least in the woods, and not at my GD'ed desk.


Tim Murphy :)

TimMurphy wrote:
Dear afishinado,

That was enjoyable to watch, but for me the enjoyment came in the form of remembering departed friends with whom I have fished with over the years.

When I full of **** and vinegar, and beer, some guy that owned a fly shop in White Haven PA introduced me to a bunch of people 10. 20, and even 30 years my senior.

I fished with them, and enjoyed their company and their stories even more. We caught fish, and had more fun than we probably deserved to have. Along the way over the years, I've met a few people here from the board of my vintage. We too fished, and had a lot of fun.

But to me fishing was never about fishing. It was about the company I kept while fishing. The fish were just a bonus.

Now that so many of my former fishing buds have passed and my brothers live half a nation away I don't fish so much. I still go, but when I succeed I sometimes look at the fish and my eyes tear up, while thinking, I wish .................... was here to see this?

One day I'll fall and face plant someone. I hope to Christ it's on a stream or lake, or at least in the woods, and not at my GD'ed desk.


Tim Murphy :)

Yup...I remember those days hanging out at Bob's shop. He was a great guy. There I really learned a lot about fly-fishing from him and tying from Mary Lou. To my knowledge he still around and living in the Upper Delaware River area with his son.