George Daniels STRIP SET ---NOV 18th --- LANCASTER



Active member
Oct 11, 2009
Donegal Trout Unlimited is proud to present George Daniels presentation on his new book STRIP SET.

November 18th


@ The Lancaster Farm and Home Center

If you are interested in learning streamer fishing techniques this is a great opportunity to learn more about streamers.

If you are planning on coming down be sure to reply here and maybe we can pre or post game it.

Thanks for the heads up, TR. I'm definitely going try to get there for George's presentation.
Tomorrow night. See you there!
Thanks for the heads-up!
Will be there, EARLY.
No entrance fee but bring some $ if you want in on the raffle.

The presentation was very good and I learned some good stuff.
He only got through a small portion of his total presentation. I wasn't going to buy this book but I will for sure now. I highly recommend you streamer guys pony up the dough.
Thanks to everyone that came out. We had a record turn out last night. Thanks again to George.

For those of you interested in the streamer game I highly recommend checking out George's book and catch his presentation at any of the upcoming shows here in the winter.

Topics covered were approach, rods, reels, flies, timing, and lines. Yes, there is a lot that can go into streamer fishing. He did a great job explaining how different flies behave and how that plays into your technique. Matching the right line to the right rod to deliver the right fly in the right way can certainly improve your streamer game and George certainly covers this.

Now I know what a lot of you are saying: whats wrong with a 9' 5wt, floating line and a wooly bugger? and you're right: nothing! George even addressed that. You don't need to walk through the streamer section at cabelas like you have Merv's sticky bandit duct tape gloves from Home Alone 2, grabbing every new streamer toy on the market.However, by understanding where the fish are in certain situations and then how to use specific gear effectively present to them is definitely something the George excels at covering in Strip-Set.

I'm no streamer fisherman but I really enjoyed his explanations and his approach. I have sat through countless presentations. Some are great and some are terrible. The terrible ones all have one thing in common, they are more commercial than they are informative. George is not out to promote anything other than the sport. Sure the guy make a buck on a book he wrote but even that is from the approach of how to make us better anglers. His presentation is about the fishing and not a 45 minute commercial which unfortunately is increasingly becoming the status quo for these lecture/speaker types.

Anyway, Per Norm's (aka ProFormance) request, there is your write up on Strip-Set. If you get a chance, get out to see it!
Just ordered the book yesterday. Excited to read it.
I have bought both his books and about 10 more that were suggested on this forum to read between now and next spring.

And, special thanks to whoever mentioned Thomas McGuane. What a talent! With each page I find myself in thrall of the man's ability to let me see through his eyes and heart.
I enjoyed the presentation as well and as Derek noted, George was non-commercial about the presentation, and it was refreshing to hear someone cut through the marketing hype and call a spade a spade. Book went on the Christmas list :)