Gander Mountain



Active member
Oct 18, 2006
I was looking for a new pair of breathable waders. Gave my wife the webpage of the LL Bean ones for around $60 but I could have figured that that was useless. I got a decent amount of gift cards from Gander Mountain for birthday presents. Anyone been there lately and see a good pair of decently priced stockingfoot breathable waders?

I looked on their website and it is AWEFUL. There's hardly anything on there. I signed up to get their mailings, but does anyone have any current coupons or know of any good deals going on? I'm cheap and want to get the best bang for my buck.

Will probably buy some other things too, or suck it up in my neoprenes and buy a new 3wt instead lol. Whatever my impulses decide when I go drool over new equipment.


saw these while poking around yesterday...
They carry basic Hodgeman's.
Hodgeman's = good for one season of hard fishing......
Anyone have the Hodgman Wadelite waders? Looks like thats what I'll get if thats what they have. Would rather spend half the amount for the LL beans, but gift cards are gift cards
I like the Wadelite waders. My brother, dad, and myself wear them (all stocking foot). Mine is going on its 3rd season of hard fishing use. They are great in my opinion.
bigjohn58 wrote:
I like the Wadelite waders. My brother, dad, and myself wear them (all stocking foot). Mine is going on its 3rd season of hard fishing use. They are great in my opinion.

Thanks, they look like a decent pair of waders... sick of sweating in the middle of the summer in my neoprenes. Might go get them before the Jam!
If you had your mind set on the LL Bean boots, why not pick them up and then either use or sell your Gander Mt. giftcards on the Swap Forum?

I have no experience with Hodgeman boots but can attest to Bean's unconditional guarantee on anything they sell.
With almost all breathable waders a lot of common sense makes them last a long time (Pro line and a few others not included). Being careful when walking in the woods around thorn bushes and barb wire etc. I have some sections of creeks that I fish that I definitely take the long way around to get to the water just to avoid the brier patches. Also making sure gravel isn't getting into your wadding boots also reallly helps them last longer. If I get 2 years out of a pair of breathables then anything after that is a bonus with me. I have both neoprenes and breathables by hodgeman and love them both.
That is a good point BigJohn. Taking care of your gear helps to prolong the life no matter what the brand. Waders should be taken off and turned inside and out to dry. I've also heard that it's good to keep the boot or boot foot resting on the floor or with support under it so as not to stretch the seams. Not saying Hodgeman boots are a bad option I have heard that they manufactue other companies waders, which does not surprise me. But I am an advocate of Bean's unconditional guarantee, they stand behind everything they sell, no questions asked.
They do Stearns also that I know.
high quality waders are selling on ebay for half price alot of times. i got mine that way along with a set for my buddy. buying the best for double the price of a gander set is very rewarding........goretex or bust, aquaseal and enjoy for years and years, going on my second year of 5 layers and beating brush hard with no ill effects
Hodgman is garbage I have boughta pair every year for the last 4-5 years next year I am buying something breathable and stockingfoot
Whatever you get, buy a pair that fits you right or you're more likely to be uncomfortable. Even if you bought the top of the line boots and they didn't fit you will not be as happy. I have difficulty getting them to fit right and unfortunately only a few brands seem to have the sizes that I need.
well fortunetly for me I'm aboug 5'9" 160, so I'm at that size that I don't have too much trouble getting things to fit. I will make sure I try them on before I buy them though, thanks.

Anyone been to Gander Mountain lately and see any good deals on anything? Rods, reels, fly tying, waders, etc?
I've had two pairs of Hodgeman Wadelites in my life. Meangreenstick was absolutely correct. Both pairs leaked in just under a year, and despite patching got progressively worse. Unusable at about 1 year, the fabric just stopped being waterproof, you can't fix that. One time is a fluke, twice is a pattern...

I will say, though, that they were very comfortable....
i was once told that waders should be the best piec of gear you have......think about it, they are in use constantly.

i paid 280 for top of the line 5 layer goretex, that is 2 years of hodgemans
see the problem I have with gortex waders is that the boot foot part is neoprene which that seems to be the place I tend to get the holes in. I do a lot of walking in mine and I think with stones and just constant wear the neoprene wears out or gets a tiny hole. I'd rather spend $100 on a pair of waders and get a year out of them then spend $300 and have the same amount of luck whcih I feel I'd have.

Do you wear gravel guards? If not, that would help. I don't get many rocks in my boots, luckily, but I'll have to start being careful about it.
I think they just give out from constant rubbing against the boot. All of my waders neos and breathable Hodgman waders have built in gravel guards. I won't buy a pair without them already attached anymore. I had neoprenes before without attached gravel guards and they were a pain in the butt.