Funny Fishing Stories



Active member
Oct 18, 2006
On the same note as the strangest thing ever caught on a fly I thought it would be fun to hear just funny stories while fishing. I'll start lol

As a new flyfisherman I purchased my first set of waders soon after starting... one of the first times I used them i'm walking up stream fishing different pockets and pools. This is a public park where many of the typical spincasters sit and wait for some trout to swim by and hit their bait sitting on the bottom... pretty boring now that I look back and see that I used to do that. Well anyways... i'm walking upstream for a ways and pulled some line out of my spool to make a cast with the typical Zinggg noise. A spincaster with 2 poles in the water while sitting in his lawn chair, talking on his cell phone, yells "I got a big one!", litterally falls out of his chair almost into the stream, running over to see what large fish is stripping drag off of him and then notices... yep, just little old me standing in the middle of the stream catching more fish than him :) yep probably not the best story but a good start.... WHO'S NEXT?
Back in the day before the wife, kid, house, dogs ............ Anyway, I used to fish every weekend with this guy I worked with. He was completely OCD. This guy would show up at my place a 1/2 hour before he was supposed to pick me up in the morning and sit on the front porch. Totally nutz but a good guy. So he decides that going to Walnut Creek in Erie mid january would be a good idea. When we get there the creek is totally frozen. However, he thinks he can see fish under the ice. Now at this point it has to be 10 below and my feet are freezing to the ground. So he goes about making a hole in the ice big enough for him to fish. He does this by standing on the ice and jumping until he breaks through. He tried to get me to participate by telling me that it's was only knee deep. Well.......... he jumped over a nice hole in went in over his waders. Now its 10 below and we are maybe a 1/2 mile from the car he soaking wet and he still wants to take a few casts. When we got back to the car and him being OCD he had to stip naked in the parking lot before he would get in to warm up. It is funny now but I was a little worried at the time.
When I was a younger fellow a buddy and me used to sneak on to a farmers pond on new moon nights and throw jitterbugs with really great success. The very last time we did it I ended up just watching, cant remember why. While standing behind him he missed a big splash on his jitterbug and when it came flying back out of the water (pitch black couldnt see) I guess the line caught my head, the lure wrapped around my head 3 or 4 times and ended up dangling in front of my face as he laughed. So I went to his side and he ends up casting along the bank on the other side of him and misses the
splash again and the lure comes flying back and hits my in the groin so hard I felt hook and I slumped to the ground. Wasnt to funny at the time at all. Should never see blood down there.
How about new to trout fishing and not really sure what they look like. Was about 12 at the time. Knew what 2 inch chubs looked like, but not one that was about 7 inches. Well I catch this big chub thinking it is a trout and go chasing after Dad who is about two hundred yards downstream. Mean while I'm passing other fishermen carrying this fish telling them I caught a trout. I catch up to my Dad and he tells me it is a chub. Boy I'll tell you did I ever feel silly. After that I knew what a trout was.
I usually don't write anything here but just had to add this story.A few years ago I was running short on time after work and wanted to get a little fishing in so I went to a local stocked lake to get and hour in.When I got there I went to the back of the lake where it is shallow to wade.When I got in I realized a freind of mine was with his 2 sons about 30 yards away,after talking for a few minutes he was telling me about the new spinning rod he was using and how much it cost him.When all of a sudden his pole started to bounce with a fish on . All of a sudden the pole shot out of the rod holder and into the lake.I started to laugh but then saw him running to wards the lake and he dove into the water for the pole.After about 10 seconds I see him stand up in the lake with only his head above the water.Then he raises his arms about his head WITH THE POLE.He starts to real in as he walks back to the shore when therehe finally gets his son to net a 15" trout.With all this going on I almost fell in myself laughing.Everyone around was histerical,needless to say being in April and cold he went home soon afterward.
I just thought of mine.
A buddy and I were traveling up to little pine after work on day in June about 2 years ago. We were doing about 78 mph in a 45. Well, needless to say the statie pulle dus over and asked my buddy what the rush was. He said, and I quote, "I missed the BWO hatch last night, and I didn't want to miss it tonight." THE COP LET US GO!
I remember when i went to oregon to fish the deshutes river and stayed in a small lodge there were 4 college guys flyfishing for the first time , well one guy snored so loud he shook the windows , well the next night his buddy`s tackeld him grabbed some duck tape and taped a large pillow to his back so he couldn`t sleep on his back and snore , and they called it the snore fin ......

Before i tell any, I need to know, what's the statute of limitations for the fishing laws.
FarmerDave wrote:
Before i tell any, I need to know, what's the statute of limitations for the fishing laws.

Should only be two years after the offense was committed, assuming your shinanigans occured in PA.
My funny story does not involve fly fishing but bass fishing. I was fishing Lake Marburg (Codorus S.P.) early one morning with a popper. I had just made a long cast when I noticed a seagull flying towards me. I had a feeling that something was going to happen so I started to real the lure in. Sure enough that gull dived right for my lure. He then started to fly away with it. The funny part was when I yanked him out of the air and dragged him across the water. Luckily I only looped the hook around his leg and as soon as the tension was released the lure dropped off. I don't know how I would have unhooked him if I had embedded the hook elsewhere. Needless to say I now look out for seagulls.

"and they called it the snore fin ......"

that is f'ing hysterical

years ago fishing with my dad and bro in NE pa, we were in a boat and my brother's spinner got snagged. he yanked it out and it got stuck right in my nose. my dad tried using pliers to get it out but couldnt, so i ended up in the ER with a blue fox sticking out of my nose. the nurses couldn't help but laugh.

Last year took my GF trout fishing at the cabin for the first time, walked down to the stream. Showed her how to cast and if you feel a bump set the hook. Well about 1 hour into it we caught a bunch of small natives, I decide to walk down stream ask if she is ok said she is fine. As I begin to walk i feel a hit on my calf then some big time pain. Of course she made a cast at me felt a bump and set the hook into my calf. needless to say two hooks in my calf and a gf saying she is sorry. Spent 2 days with a blue fox treble hook in my calf didn't want to drive to the hospital about 2 hours away. I learned then new person fishing tell them they can't drink!!!

In Montana with my brother we are fishing he falls alseep (night out partying) leaves his BH nymph in the water while taking a nap. I wake him up he has a fish on 17" fish the first on on a fly for him .
I remember an opening day on Kettle Creek at Leidy Bridge and there was some idiot fishing off of the bridge. Well there was a car coming across the bridge and he went back to cast and hooked the antenna of the car. Here it was the fish commission vehicle and they asked him for his license and the guy couldn't even find his license.

My brother and me always take bets on which guy is going to fall in first on opening day and everytime at least one of the guys if not both fall in.

Ah the fun opening day!
Hey John,

I'm usually in that neck of the woods for the opener.
I can't top any of these. Some good stuff here.

Caught my little brother by his ear lobe once. Burried the hook past the barb. He told me to jank it out, which i did. He doesn't walk behind me anymore without announcing it first.

Next one isn't really a fishing story, but it happened in a trout stream. I lived right on a trout stream up in Connecticut, right where it dumps into the tidal water. This was an old mill that had been converted to apartments. One hot summer day I decided to lounge in the creek to cool off. When I say lounge, I mean litterally. Behind the building was a swimming hole. I was laying on a lounge in the water with just my head sticking out of the water. Here comes a muskrat!!! I wanted to see how close it would get, so I stayed perfectly still. It kept coming closer and closer until it was within three feet of my face, so I swatted it away. He must have thought ny head was another muskrat! Afterwards i realized this probably wasn't a good idea for more than 1 reason. First of all, how would I explain to the wife that my face got tore up by a horny muskrat. Also, I'm 6'6" and the muskrat was directly over my body within three feet of my face ... which puts him right over ... Well, you do the math. I'm just glad he didn't dive strait down to seek cover or that would have been even harder to explain.
This is more of a laughing at me funny, rather than laughing with me.

Went to Valley Creek sat and forgot to close the flap on my vest where I keep my camera, after taking a pic of a nice brown. I was exiting the stream and slightly lost my footing, the camera flew out of the pocket and gracefully splashed into a muddly puddle by the bank, its now hosed.

Sunday I went to the FFO section of French Creek for 4 hours and did pretty well (3 bows and 2 browns). However, when I was winding up and taking off my flies, I reach for my nymph box and discover that the pocket I keep them in is wide open and the box is gone.

The morale of this story......No matter what, always keep your vest pockets, weather buttons, velcro, or zippers, closed.

I'm not too mad about it, it'll hurt my wallet to replace it all, but I'm going ot be an optimist about the situation and take it as a learning experience.
Let me take this opportunity to share an idea about possibly saving a digital camera that goes for a swim:

I have read numerous times that if your digital camera (or cell phone) falls in the drink, you should IMMEDIATEY remove the batteries and then dry as much as you can with a rag and then allow it to air dry completely (open all compartments and doors) for as much as 24 hours before replacing the battery and giving it a try.
FarmerDave wrote:
..... He must have thought my head was another muskrat! .......
Man, FD, you must be one ugly dude! :lol:

(Maybe it was "Muskrat Love")