FS brown

Ok if I did it right this is the fly I used
http://i1028.photobucket.com/albums/y344/benjaminajohn/Mobile%20Uploads/2016-02/9B58870A-A433-4C3D-BAD7-DD8D3CE49E52_zpsjykutklz.jpgThis was the brown trout
I tested it out the picks are up and running hope you all enjoy.

Interestingly enough when I was there today, I actually caught a pretty decent brown and lost another. Still I crushed small rainbows,
Even with my huge sculpin. The signs there are from 2011 and still have the verbage for single hooks and no night fishing. Nothing about barbless. They should probably be changed out.

I tend to use 2 or 3 articulated shanks with a single wide gape hook in the back. I tie the fly in a way that the hook is in the very back of the streamer tail. I have found my hook up to lost fish ratio is very good doing this. I did however lose a really nice fish today below the Orvis parking lot. Tossed to shallow water on the opposite bank and was going to drag my fly into the lane I wanted. Didn't notice the monster that was a foot from where my fly landed. He grabbed it the second it hit the water and I missed the hook set. I wonder if he thought it was a mouse, the fly couldn't have sank more that 1/4 " or less.
Pretty cool to see.

Capt. that is a nice fish! Thanks for sharing.
captbugger wrote:
Ok to ease everyone's mind it was in the dh area that is not a barbless hook area I read the regs and have read the regs since I was 12.

Finally found the change..


Section E(8):
In §?65.14 (relating to catch and release fly-fishing only), the Commission deletes the reference to single hooks to clarify that multiple hooks are permitted. The Commission, however, does not delete the reference to ''fly line with a maximum of 18 feet in leader material or monofilament line attached'' to allow center-pinning techniques. To eliminate confusion and having to name or describe all prohibited lures and substances, the Commission deletes the list of prohibited items in favor of naming the permitted lures and substances only.

Effective January 1, 2016, so this is new this year.

I'll bet the majority or all of the posters streamside still say "single hook", as I'm guessing regulation poster replacement is not high-priority :)

The rationale for the changes was "It has long been a concern that the complexity and number of the Commission's fishing regulations may be a deterrent to people fishing." But the existence of contradictory posted regulations streamside is probably confounding the complexity...
The signs along some fly fishing only stream sections still use the term "single hook". I fished the old heritage section on Little Lehigh recently, and the signs there mention the use of "single hook" in the description of what constitutes a legal fly.
Thanks for the clarification and link Salmonoid. I'd say that clears it up. . . and the signs will, hopefully, be replaced soon.

Hopefully hook wounds heal up fast too.
I know a place on the Antietam FFO that still has a Delayed Harvest sign stuck to a tree. It's been FFO as long as I can remember fishing there (early 90s).
I presume you had the barb crushed.
There were never requirements for barbless hooks in PA except in Heritage Trout Sections.
It was in dh area no I did not have the barb smashed down it was a stupid mistake on my end