FS brown



Sep 13, 2013
I only had 30 min to get my line wet. I was really excited to try out my meat fly out. I was checking out the action of my fly it was doing great was not really paying attention to fish. To my surprise a nice size brown smashed my fly. The action was on. My rod was bending the trout was jumping out of stream like it was an Atlantic salmon. I finally got him on the reel with landing him quickly. I landed him snapped one picture then started to get the hook out. Not caring that this meat fly had 2 hooks mr brown tried to fight me even more. I start to release him to only have the 1/0 hook go right into my thumb. With great excitement to release my fish back to its home I pulled the hook right out of my thumb. It was a successful release but was it? I noticed my thumb was bleeding from to separate holes in my thumb an inch apart. I then noticed what I did. I just pulled a hook completely threw my thumb. Was so happy to land that fish I didn't care about my flesh wound.
"I only had 30 min to get my line wet. I was really excited to try out my meat fly out."

And that's the start of a great fishing joke :D

Sorry to hear about the hook through the finger, never a pleasant experience especially if it was barbed.
If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times... Whenever you are working around your meat fly, ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS! Pinch down your barb.
did a gemmie grab him when you released him?
Where is the picture of the brown!
Where is the picture of the brown!
I'm having problems posting pictures I'll try to post it today
If by FS you mean falling spring, make sure you cut off the second hook point in the heritage area. If outside that area then you got no worries. JS
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
If by FS you mean falling spring, make sure you cut off the second hook point in the heritage area. If outside that area then you got no worries. JS

My hooks have three hook points Houston.
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
If by FS you mean falling spring, make sure you cut off the second hook point in the heritage area. If outside that area then you got no worries. JS

Are you sure this is still a valid requirement? I thought all hook restrictions had been removed.

Single hook piece used to be in the below section but is not in current regulations:
Fishing may be done with artificial flies and streamers constructed of natural or synthetic materials, so long as all flies are constructed in a normal fashion with components wound on or about the hook. Anything other than these items is prohibited.
The verbage about barbless hooks is also gone.
I wonder if this was another oversight.

I guess swatties treble streamer is legal. It can ever have 2 trebles and all its barbs ;-)
I ever remember George Daniel in his presentation to DTU stating about having to cut off a hook point on articulated dual hook flies.
I'm sure that verbage is still on the signs. I'll have to look this weekend.
I continue to use only single hook flies in FFO areas, however, I too am not sure if this reg is still on the books. It's been a few years since they dropped the barbless requirement and night fishing bans.
Maybe the single hook fly requirement has been dropped too(?).
I don't know Dave. I'm with you though on still using single hook flies. In my experience, more often than not, the back hook is the one that takes the most fish. Then again I often swing streamers across and down then twitch them back up to me. Still, I find the second hook often pointless. I will also continue to debarb my streamers, especially since I tend to target bigger fish with bigger hooks.
Good to know but affects me very little.

Btw, I'd love to see this fish. I've only ever hooked a few Browns from FS. I usually only catch bows. I do better with Browns on the tort than FS.
Yeah. . . agree that the trail hook gets most of the hook-ups for me too when fishing for trout, which is why I prefer doubles for my large streamers. The only reason I still have single hook large streamers in my trout box is for FFO areas. Hhmmm. . .

With respect to browns in FS, I've fished that stream for over thirty years (especially in the 1990s) and overwhelmingly the larger trout I've caught have been browns. PFBC surveys also bear this out: the bulk of the population in the FFO (numbers, not biomass) are RTs. However, the big fish tend to be BTs. I also think the BTs are tougher to catch and just cagier in FS than RTs, esp if one is using little flies, and this creates the impression that BTs are scarce.
Ok to ease everyone's mind it was in the dh area that is not a barbless hook area I read the regs and have read the regs since I was 12.
I am trying to figure out how to post pics my phone is iPhone and will not let me fix pics like my other droid. Any body know of any apps that work resizing th pic