Framed Pontoon Help...


You're spot on. There's nothing worse then battling an upstream wind in a Cat. That's part of my reasoning in building and installing a bow mounted trolling motor. It's my hope that I can fish more and deal less with the oars in the anchor system. I haven't had the chance to test it out yet due to the weather, but the Schuylkill looks very inviting.
Had a motor and battery. It was just too much to haul for me. I've been part of countless marathon floats that were dead into the wind. Looking forward to April arriving but looking forward to the winds that usually come with spring. It was blowing so hard on the Susky earlier in the fall, wind pushed me upriver about a half mile........ It was a half mile of riffs in the narrows. Just kept fishing and figured I'd row out in the dark.
Well guys we made our choice... We actually called about the three man creek company in the swap forum but never heard back... We contacted Mr Scadden and went with the avenger two man! We were working on getting the drifter when Dave called back saying he didnt have any in stock so he'd upgrade us to the avenger! After about 20 emails and countless phone calls we came to an agreement and the order was placed. As mentioned on this thread it was beneficial to us to make lets say counteroffers. If believe we got a great deal....carbon oars a pump an as kray mentioned several other add ons. Cant wait to get this bad boy well post some pics. Dave was real good to work with but a great perhaps gifted promoter of his product... Thanks guys your input was very helpful!
Sweet deal guys. You''ll be happy with it. See you on the river.
You are gonna love that boat!

I'm actually thinking about going "tubing" in mine since all it seems to do anymore is snow...
I ended up ordering the same boat on Monday. I got a bunch of freebies with it and upgraded oars, pump, and so on for the price I had up top. I hope that price helped everyone out. I do not think he made much off that one. Now, if I can figure out how to row it and fish off of it, I will be ok. Thanks Crayfish for the advice. Do you have a list of rivers you float in PA?

There's plenty of places you can go with your new toy. You prefer bass, trout, musky? Radius you are working with (1 hour drive or less, 2-3 hour drive or unlimited range)? Age and / or physical condition..... Some places are easier to float than others. Fast currents, high winds on calm water.....both are a real workout.

I should defer to 'student of the stream' and 'DaveS' since they are a little closer to your neck of the woods. My immediate response is the Potomac and Yough but they might be places you try after you get a few floats under your belt on more placid waters.

Congrats to both of you and I look forward to doing a float with ya sometime.
Thanks kray may be contacting you we would like to find some new streamer
I'll help you the best I can. Just shoot me a pm.
Just out of curiosity what do you Gus wear for life vests when floating? Best I can find on fish comm site states regardless of boat length between nov-April you need wear one and other than that just have one per person on boat an accessible. Is this true? We never wore them on guys 16' boat so I'm looking for one that's not restrictive etc... Any suggestions?
I keep on tied on the back deck of the boat. Don't float during the cold months when wearing one is required.
I got two of the standard life vest (from Gander Mt.). They are the regulation "vest" configuration roughly 2" thick. But it cold weather, with an extra sweater etc, When I put the vest on I looked and felt like the Michelin Man. So I bought a self inflating one. They're a little pricey, but I figured the first time I get ticketed for no PFD- I'll end up spending that much anyhow. :(
Thanks Dave how did you like the self inflating type? Your Michelin man statement is what I was worried about. Does anyone know if I was right regarding the laws?
Thanks for asking that question drews, that was one of my next questions.

Crayfish, I have the Potomac within 10 minutes of me, a boat ramp for the doah, 5 minutes from me. I am going to check with the shops down here about the Rappahanok, and Rapidan. I know some of the james is nice but I seen their are some landowner issues.

I usually get up to PA once a month to fish during the year. If conditions are better I get up a little more. I figured the Lehigh and Delaware would be good bets. I was going to maybe try some of the Schuylkill and such too. I am 33 and I have to be in good shape for my job so I am open to anything.

I just need to figure out how to row the thing and Ill be ok. ha ha ha
Hey, when you get swept right into a fallen tree, you will quickly become an oar master. It's called self preservation. LMAO.

I am going to try and make it to the Yough several times (2-3) this year. I'm trying to time my trips to catch the bikini hatch.

If you want to come over this way, let me know and I'll try to meet up with ya. Appears to be plenty of water in the reservoirs this year but that can change without much notice. I'll guess your best time to float the rivers on our side of the state..... April 15 - June 15. Weather, temps and water levels may add or subtract a few additional weeks from that rough estimate.
I don't know if I can explain how to handle the boat in print, but I'll see if I can explain how I do it;

For the sake of clarity, the down stream end of the boat is the front, the upstream is the rear. As you approach an obstacle, you'd keep the front, or bow of the boat pointed at said obstacle and back row, choosing to pass on the left or right, depending on the ease of passage. pulling more on the right oar force the boat left and vise versa. Once you have achieved enough clearance, you simply pivot the boat by pulling on one oar, and pushing on the other, and float past. The boat pivots at a point directly between the oar locks.

It isn't very hard to do and you get a feel for it pretty quickly. The hard part can be judging the best path through a series of obstacles. Just start out on some slower streams and progress as your confidence grows. The Scadden boats I know can take some punishment, and are very stable. And always keep a health amount of respect for the water and you'll be fine.
Boaters are required, by law, to wear life jackets on boats less than 16 feet in length or any canoe or kayak during the cold weather months from November 1 through April 30.
allen_s is correct. And if you have a vessel over 16', be sure to have a throw-able PFD. I was on the Juniata in December smallie fishing and was checked. At first I thought the WCO officers were other anglers who knew me and were coming to chat it up. I was in my cataraft and I was not wearing my PFD. They were looking for bird hunters and stopped to see if I had heard or seen hunters. Both officers were really nice and pleasant to talk to. One was Anderson who did the talking. I thanked them for patrolling the river and that it was the first time I was checked since '94. They assured me that they have been watching the river heavily since the new "no fishing for smallies during the spawn" law was passed. Upon pushing off he reminded me to put on my PFD and said that since I had so many he'd let me slide. I didn't realize that I had 3 in the raft LOL!
I just did little more reading and looks like the inflatable belt vest is legal... Anyone use/wear one? Seem little pricey but may solve the issue and still meet the regs
That is only legal if you are wearing it. Which is no problem during the cold weather months, but you would also have to wear it during the summer, instead of just having one on board for yourself. I think the inflatable vest is the way to go in the winter with a typical type III on board during the times it's not mandatory wear.